I’m more interested in why he didn’t put his hands out. Isn’t that a natural reaction?
I’m more interested in why he didn’t put his hands out. Isn’t that a natural reaction?
Dude, get over it, nobody cares.
Boo hoo, terrorists got waterboarded. God, it would have been so much more humane to just cut off their heads!
99% of Splinter’s outrage over stuff like this is born from sheer jealousy.
Yeah, much better to be a socialist who simply wages war against their own citizens! What’s a few million dead when they simply oppose your political party?!
“Centrist” is the new “Fascist,” didn’t you get the memo?
I know you’re a bit of a retard, but you should really refrain from using the term “war criminal” when you don’t even know what that is.
“He did something I didn’t like!” Is a pretty lame metric to use to call someone “one of the worst presidents.”
You don’t seem to know the definition of “treason.”
Nobody likes you.
Splinter, in an effort to follow their “ORANGE MAN BAD!” guidelines, supports staying in Syria, after previously whining like a child about the USA being in Syria.
Honestly, I don’t think anyone even would’ve cared if Carter had died. He’s like the most forgetful of presidents.
I mean, I would assume so. I’d suppose it’d be like doing dip...I mean I used to smoke social during college when drinking, bumming cigarettes off people and I was fine, a few years ago I was drinking and asked my friend to let me try some of his dip...Within a minute or two I began to feel extremely lightheaded and…
Rachel Maddow is a man in a wig. Prove me wrong.
“Telling me I can’t vape is so fucking sexist!”
Ask if they have more?
The nicotine delivery via vaping is much faster than via cigarette, but briefer, so they’re basically just chasing a head high - like a drug addict.
To channel Rude Negro: