Romeo Reject

Or you could just buy a 2022 KTM 300 XC-W TPI (103.4 KG).

Fun fact, that woman is the directors (the Zucker bros) mother!

Similar, but deadlier:

I am, by law, required to post this gif :

As someone who does heavy commercial aircraft maintenance for a living, I have no idea how this thing made it out of the hangar with the flight controls in this condition. Not only do we do hundreds of ops checks before the plane leaves, but the pilots typically exercise all flight controls and brakes before they take

Simpler times, I guess? They both died from the Spanish Flu in 1920.

I just died a little inside.

This has happened to me. Coming home on I-89 in Fairfax Vermont, crested the top of a hill in a raging thunderstorm and KABAM! Instant heat. Crazy noise. Blinding light.

Don’t forget David Tracy.

Car company: we are doing this to ensure driver safety.
Consumer: Hold my hot glue gun...

Dude, I was saying 105 HP is enough (especially for an electric) in response to a guy saying someone would want more HP. And what do you come up with ? A scooter. And that’s not a caricature ?

It’s true. I’ll be dead by winter. 

Oh, and if you, the reader, are thinking Jalopnik is about to become a little bit less left-leaning in her absence, I promise you, it’s going to get much worse. Not because Erin was a voice of restraint, but because she’d want it that way.

There was a Jalopnik Wikipedia page for a long time, including a whole section on our inside jokes, but Wikipedia deleted it a few years back. They even purged the history so you can’t revert it to anything before the redirect.

Couldn’t find what I was looking for, but found this gif instead.


No, that’s definitely still taking their idea to the complete extreme. Do I need 75HP? No, but I don’t think anyone is calling me out for that. Asking if I need 200HP would be a much different conversation, however. Electrics can sometimes wander in to the latter conversation owing the absolutely stupid amounts of

You don’t have to go to a Harley dealer to buy this thing is the best improvement.