Romeo Reject

I like how this statement:

Bud, my stock SV650 still stays within 30% of the times top-spec litre bikes post when I race, and that’s not exactly a fast bike either. As for the 30MPH top speed deficit... So? That’s their decision to have made. We wouldn’t give a free pass to a gas bike that went with stupidly short gearing, why would I give a

And Energica, in theory.

That’s what I always say when I get to the campsite.

Terry Crews was unquestionably the best part of that movie. Then again, Terry Crews tends to be the best part of anything he’s in.

Oof, when you said they technically didn’t win, I didn’t think you meant they were 30% slower than the competition. That was not a great showing for the bikes in my eyes.

Definitely not. The reason we use nuclear is because the sheer amount of energy imparted in to the water from the reaction makes it incredibly easy to separate in comparison to standard electrolysis.

I think that the single best aesthetic feature of the concept is the exhaust... Which would go out the window on an electric. =/

I’m unsure about the US, since I don’t live there, but there’s already a few nuclear plant HTEs in Europe (Where nuclear is more common), and it’s fairly simple to add in, it’s just something that hasn’t been historically done because there was no need to. I should also mention, this statement:

Oh, thank you! That was going to bug the hell out of me otherwise.

Except for anywhere where range and or on-time are incredibly important. I don’t think anyone is suggesting BEVs will be made completely obsolete by hydrogen, but no shipping freighter, passenger airplane, taxi fleet, long-range trucking company or numerous other fleets are even looking at BEV, because they can’t. This

While they can be quieted, they’re still always going to make a considerable amount of noise: You’re choppily cutting through air and accelerating it. It will, by its very nature, produce noise.

...You do, of course, realize there’s already limits on free speech, pretty much everywhere in the world, right?

I’m trying to figure out if it’s a phonetics thing, or an acronym. Bail me out here.

*Doesn’t live in the states*
Bill: mUSt bE a TrOLl, nOt wORtH noTicINg

Totally fair, and you’ll definitely find some folks that do ride that long often (Tends to be more common in touring bikes and cruisers though, it’s quite rare to find a guy on a Supermoto going longer than thing’s range), but I think Bradley’s point is that every biker seems to claim they’re doing these crazy ranges,

Honestly... He’s probably not far off. The amount of people I have telling me they need crazy long ranges from their commuter, only to find out they barely do 40KM worth of riding per day, and have gone on one long ride in the last year is mind-blowing. What motorbikers claim they do, and what they actually do are two

Which is hilarious to me, since the comments/community interaction are honestly the lion’s share of why I even come here. Once GMG buggers that up enough, I’ll simply stop coming here.

Aye me too. In the interim, I hope manufacturers start combining supercapacitors and Li-Ion/NiMH. Use the former before the latter for a quick “get me home” charge that can be done in minutes; Use the latter after the former to get a proper long-distance charge put in.

The only problem with the aircooled is that there’s less opportunity to vent the heat in the first place. At low speeds, or in hot weather, the bike will pull some of its power just to keep itself cooler. The watercooling solves that.