Romeo Reject

Yeah, both sides are definitely guilty. I’ve seen some phenomenally stupid bicyclists, make no mistake. But I’ve also seen some phenomenally stupid motorists. Both sides need to improve their minimum standards considerably.

It’s so beautiful...

See, this is what happens without a supervisor to keep an eye on things: That worker has clearly forgotten the engine block while assembling the motor at home.

You’re a better man than I am. We had a Zoom meeting with friends a few months in to the shutdown up here, and I realized in a chatroom of fourteen people, I was quite literally the only one still having to head in to work, and I’ll admit: I was pissed that the others got to stay home.

See, that just proves my point: That guy was a celebrity and no one noticed him. It’s the ultimate camouflage.

Yep. I find it peculiar that when Apple got caught doing it, we raked them over the coals and fined them hundreds of millions. Yet when it has been shown multiple times that Google and Facebook both do the exact same thing we just ignore it. And I’m an Android user at that.

All of her gear has been bought, in person, by myself. And while I call her my wife, Covid meant we had to postpone our wedding, so we don’t even appear married to Facebook/Google/Whomever - we have different last names, haven’t set any status to “married” or anything else along those lines.

Alright, you know you’re wrong on this. The community knows you’re wrong on this. The law knows you’re wrong on this. But you just keep going for it anyways. Do me a favour: Never leave California.

Oh fuck right off. Not enough evidence?

They aren’t associated with any of us dealers, and up here in Canada, there is no AMA. It wouldn’t be the first thing we’ve discussed in person without looking at it online, that suddenly ended up being recommended to us. Heck, we’re not even the first ones to verify the phenomenon:

So is travelling in the passing lane where I live.

I am a BC boy too! Represent!

Totally fair, I think everyone has “their thing” that they enjoy the best. We always used to make fun of the guy who set up the autocross cross for the Corvette club, because he always wasted a large section of the runway for a straightline sprint at the end, which everyone else thought was pointless. But for him,

Folks, did you enjoy the endlessly flickable, giggle-inducing Ford Fiesta? Why not buy an ecoSport, and have the same thing, but worse?

I used to be like that. Hell, I still don’t mind the tracking ads for stuff when I search over the internet - it’s the deal with the devil, I get that.

Yeah, those bastards are downright creepy about it. My wife has been going to motorbike lessons, but she hasn’t been taking her phone with her, hasn’t been posting about it online, she wasn’t even the one to look it up or book it - I was.

Silly billy, if you don’t want to get spied on or noticed, just drive an entry-level bike. There’s no telematic stuff (Hell, you generally don’t enough battery power to even run that stuff if you wanted). Plus, literally no one will notice you in traffic, up to and including other motorists.

Eh, like I said in my comment, a lot of them don’t even have the option to be dickheads in cars or trucks, as a lot of their userbase here is folks who lost their license for one reason or or another. If we stopped giving a free pass to e-Bikes in my province, we could mandate a license for any road-user, getting them

Jaywalking is also illegal; It doesn’t mean I get to run someone over for doing it. Someone else breaking the law is not a carte-blanche for you to also break the law.

Really? I love chicanes. They’re the kind of corner where, when you do them right, you feel like the best racer on the planet.