Romeo Reject


Oh, for sure, not saying the track is blameless here either, by any stretch. But holy hell, did that driver ever seem dumb.

Back when the Molson Indy was still in British Columbia, I really wanted to see them, but my family was pretty damn poor growing up, so I knew taking a child to an incredibly expensive racing event was already out of the question, especially since I was the only one in the family who was interested in cars. My dad

You’re right, but surface rust on an iron rotor happens fast. By knocking that off every couple weeks or so, all you’re doing is chewing up the rotor, as each layer of rust gets wiped out, and a new one forms on the now fresh metal.

Sure, I can accept that maybe the course doesn’t have great signage or something if two people succumbed to the same issue...

Could be either an open event day, or them running two fairly similar classes (In terms of speed) simultaneously.

Excellent. Looking forward to the continuous stream of turbo-fours that aren’t actually all that efficient, but look great in testing.

So, I spent the vast majority of my life as a mechanic, and you’re right: That’s an urban myth. Not only does moving a vehicle around not improve things, it actually makes them worse.

I’ll take Vaporware for $25,900, Alex.

Make no mistake, I empathize with your friend, and that must have been a horrifying experience for them. What I’m saying is: I hope they realize it isn’t their fault. They did nothing wrong, and the guy who died brought that situation entirely unto himself.

I question why you’d turn the car off to run this if your battery is small enough for this to be a potential killer of it.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this was communist China.

...Wouldn’t that be an incredibly inefficient use of power?

This is going to sound harsh, but: That rider is the only one to blame. If you knowingly choose to do that kind of speed with other vehicles around, whatever happens, happens. Your friend shouldn’t even have felt bad about that.

I haven’t even been riding that long and I’ve gotten lucky a couple times. It’s certainly not the safest method of commuting. Though it is a cheap and fun one!

I just want to clarify: It’s not laziness, it’s biology. A big vehicle moving towards you is something your brain notices automatically, as it could be a threat. A motorbike, on the other hand, your brain might not even register even while looking right at it. There’s also the issue of headlights - your brain is

I don’t understand why the States doesn’t just do what we have here in BC:

I mean, I swapped my distributor pretty early on for an MSD unit (Performance, baby), so I never ran in to any issues with that.

Ah, see, when I’m comparing mp3 players like the iPod, which also didn’t come out until the turn of the millennium, I figured we were talking about the same thing. Didn’t even realize there was a first gen Minidisc for trying to compete with cassettes. That’s adorable.

Eh, to each their own, but I’ve since adjusted my driving to mimic my bike. I now clear intersections, pretend I’m invisible to other drivers and keep an eye out for escape areas when driving my car.