
Evening beautiful Jezzies...Craft Thread!

Agree, that I find it hard to believe. her friendship with the women from the travel pants movies is the only reason I ever give her the benefit of doubt on these type of statements. I have to be believe that the bff of my imaginary BFF America wouldn’t make something up.

A 23 year old teaching high schoolers just sounds like a bad idea altogether.

You can un-fit and un-handsome pretty quick if you need to.

Will McAvoy be required to grow a ponytail that was just as embarrassing in 1990 as it would be today?

Yep. Johnboy Walton was not a great casting choice, a guy who was not only not bald but had a really really bad ponytail.

“Beverly, the only way we’ll ever find our way out of these sewer tunnels is if you let me jerk off in front of you.”

Steak fries suck and Kevin is right. I like my fries to be way more crispy goodness than potatoey softness.

I love this show. There are SO many documentaries I’d love to see parodied. I’d love to see them do Ken Burns. Because although that style has been parodied before, Armisen and Hader I think would bring something new to the table.

I’m really glad to hear that about John Goodman.

He’s like the real life Hank Scorpio, he could be villainous but damn you just like the guy regardless.

That’s not Busy Bee!

Now playing

Right? Those poor employees until that ring was found! I imagine the scene in the club went something like the busy bee scene from Best in Show.

It could’ve been a three month drunken night, no?

Don’t tattoos take a long time? So this is no one drunken night mistake.

There’s just so much of it.

Seeing it in all its, um, glory really makes Jennifer Garner’s “bless his heart” comment that much better.

A shower AND a grower