
I fervently hope that every single person or school administrator who did anything to punish these kids has their actions dragged out into the open and crushed under the weight of public outrage. THIS is what democracy looks like, you cowardly fuckers. (Sorry. Feelin’ a bit testy about this.)

But where do I get a top to make me look like Paul F Tompkins?

This Saturday, assuming he makes it that long I have to say goodbye to my sweet bo who I have had for 14 years. He’s at least 17 and it’s time but it sucks.

I think the issue with a “dark” ending for “Get Out” is that it was already done to perfection 50 years ago in “Night of the Living Dead”. When those flashing lights showed up at the end I was certain that was the direction “Get Out” was taking...but when his friend jumped out of that cop car it was an inspired bit of

a film that can’t be resolved by the arrival of the authorities, as they’ve already been established as untrustworthy, which is unique to the protagonist and no one else in the film

If he didn’t personally identify her and just described her “condition,” he didn’t violate HIPAA. If she hadn’t tweeted “Hey, that’s me!” no one would have known it was her.

Michael Shannon watched Shape of Water, a film he was IN, win the Academy Award for Best Picture in a Chicago dive bar, as one should.

I’m really here for the chyron on the bottom of the screen. That’s some low key shade CBSN, and I LOVE IT

In fairness, Moe is supposed to be disturbingly ugly.

Take your damn star.

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

I thought she was about to kill him and that HE WAS GOING TO LET HER. Imagine my disappointment.

Yeah, when she disclosed that she doesn’t have a GED it all started making sense. She can act when scripted but her general humor is sophomoric, she hasn’t been socialized through normal channels in how to interact in public situations.

Black Panther really has an amazing confluence of extremely well written female characters and wonderfully talented actresses portraying them.

Or the old people that come in in their ironed dockers and dress shirts and loafers.

Okay but can we talk semantics? Is it because I am an old that these are yoga pants:

I can’t work out in sweatpants because I like to feel, um, contained while working out, haha. I like the support workout leggings give, especially when doing some higher impact stuff.

She’s got it all wrong: Sweatpants are awesome for regular life, but terrible for working out. There’s too much fabric, so increased friction. Plus, when you sweat, they take forever to dry. Sport tights/leggings are the far superior choice for working out, from a practical POV.