
This is such bullshit. I’m no fan of the royals, but she puts her money where her mouth is in terms of actually helping causes out, rather than just wearing black once and never doing anything else to help. Surely the James Franco mess has shown that just wearing the right colour / pin to an even means nothing.

My guess is that she was hamstrung by protocol, but the dark color and black ribbon show that her philosophy is with the movement.

That’s what I keep saying. It doesn’t matter why you’re using a gun on people- it’s designed to kill them.

If you’re not trained, and if you have a criminal disposition—a violent disposition—it can be turned into a killing machine.

JNCOs not dead they just started designing for J. Crew:

I sure hope they were.

Jen seems like a perfectly nice bland person. But she sure as hell doesn’t have the talent to pull off the role in Virginia Wolff. She appears to be mostly able to play Jennifer Anniston.

I’m so sick to fucking death of these cowards ignoring the elephant in the room and blaming every shooting on “mental illness.” EVERY country has mentally ill people. EVERY country has violent people. THIS is the only country that fucking arms them.

Jimmy Kimmel.... a man of the people. His job maybe to entertain all of us but he at least uses his platform to say things that needed to be said. Fuck the NRA. Fuck Charlton Heston’s rifle speech. If I ever come across his tombstone, I will make damn sure I piss on it.

Liz Taylor and Richard Burton 2.0.

Weird aside, but “The Hair” is actually Mariska Hargitay’s husband!

Oh my god, I remember asking my parents when I was really young who Ross Perot was because of this and they were bewildered.

Squinty eyed yet strangely attractive lunkheads.

I thought so too. It doesn’t. It’s just a nonsense fact that’s funny when you’re a kid. The funniest sketch of hers, which continues to hold up, is the librarian who shouts at kids to be quiet but does incredibly loud things herself (uses a chainsaw, etc).

First season? Didn’t he just play Olivia’s boyfriend (and former undercover cop) a couple of seasons ago?

He’s still on SVU. They brought him back after like a million years. I guess he had been really deep undercover. Or something.

That is good to see. Without giving too much away, LB worked for a while as a sex phone operator after All That because it was impossible for a plus size woman to get cast in LA at the time—ESPECIALLY a young woman. She is an awesome person with Daria-level wit and deserves her exposure.

Oh man that took me back. Also reminds between All That and SNL how much of my life I have spent watching Thompson on sketch comedy. And he’s only 6 years older than me.

Also was on the first season of Law & Order: SVU!