
Pretty telling that “talent” was the chosen substitute word for “pussy”, isn’t it? Because that’s all a woman is good for in the world of Trump and MAXIMUM GOLF.

Teaching the Miller’s Tale today and got to the part where Nicholas goes up to Alison and “grabs her by the quim” and my students didn’t snicker as they have in previous years. They were instantly ticked off and said “creep” and “like Trump” and laughed and continued. I have a room full of young adults who view sexual

The movie also features two Toms (Holland and Hiddleston), two Pauls (Bettany and Rudd), AND two Benedicts (Cumberbatch and Wong).

Maybe it’s because I’m in a weird place, what with it being the end of the semester and nuclear war seeming imminent, but I teared up reading Bamba’s statement. How incredibly brave of him to be so candid about his status. I hope it gives some anti-immigrant fans of his acting pause. And I hope more people start to

She has a lovely speaking voice, I agree. And I think she was too smart for that idiotic, fluffy morning show.

She’s a good reporter. I always thought she was too much of a newshound to fit into the morning news anchor chair—not that I thought she couldn’t have done it, just that it was a waste of her talent to make her do cooking segments. It was awful to see what Lauer and Co. did to her. I hope she is getting nicely

I would be sad if I heard something like that about Al or Lester Holt (I love Lester for some reason).

I have faith in Al Roker if only because of his hatred of Billy Bush and his anger over the Tamron Hall situation.

Add Al Roker to the list of people (Tom Hanks, Nick Offerman, etc.) I hope never to hear are rapey douches.

Poor much for enjoying his glass of wine in peace, thanks Page Six.

That angry grape dude seems really, really mean.

Is it weird that In These Troubled Times my favorite Chris Evans clips are ones in What’s Your Number and Gifted where a woman is making out with him, says she doesn’t want to sleep with him, and he backs off immediately and with good grace?

And they are all Christophers! Even Pine! When at least one of them could also have been a Christian.

To avoid confusion, all stars in ongoing Marvel films will be named Chris. Chris Larson will be starring in Ms. Marvel. Chris Boseman in Black Panther. The role of Thanos in Avengers will be voiced and mo-capped by Chris Brolin, with digital effects rendered in 3D Studio Chris.

This song is crucial to gym days with squats and deadlifts.

Eddie Murphy is still Mushu right? Because we took a poll and everyone was cool with this.

I’m not surprised. Disney has been really careful not to even whitewash their cartoons. The cast of Moanna was all Polynesian as was the writer. The Asian characters in Big Hero 6 were Asian actors. Even Coco is an all Hispanic cast. Meanwhile, Kubo and the Two Strings had white actors voicing all the main characters.

the movie would not include musical numbers

I feel like if it doesn’t have Captain Shang or music, it’s less a live-action remake of the Disney movie and more a Disney live-action version of the original tale. I’m glad they’re not whitewashing it, though.