
Thank you!

People from New York are so freaking HYSTERICAL when they make sweeping generalizations about entire states that they clearly know little to nothing about! It kind of makes me sad for New Yorkers (or people from Maine who move there and get judgy).  They spend an outrageous amount of money to live in a once

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She had a Google doodle a while back.. I liked it!

She’s too old now, but I always thought she should have done a biopic of Clara Bow. Actually, she could have done Clara Bow, Louise Brooks and when she gets older she could do Colleen Moore in “A Cast of Killers” to complete that trifecta.

Yeah if you check out his recent interview innnnn GQ I think? It’s all these men and women talking about how he’s the most magnetic person ever. Super flirty, but never sleazy. I’ve met him a few times myself and he just melts you immediatly and makes you feel like the most important person in the world.

God if Obama gets accused of stuff, I’m just done.

John Cho, please be a good guy.

I’d add Joseph Gordon Levitt as well. 

YES. Why even give pumpkin pie a second thought when sweet potato pie could be had instead???

Seems like there should be a third option:

I feel so weird seeing actual photos of them because I just always instantly go to the SNL impressions when I think of them.

Oh, you’re totally right - they should ABSOLUTELY foot the bill, and do it happily because it’s what’s right and fair. Obviously they aren’t going to do a single moral, good or ethical thing for the American people or their own fucking child so it’s all just ashes in the ear anyway. I just can’t help a knee-jerk

Sweet Potato Pie is better. Tell your folks.

I hadn’t seen this, it really does tell a whole story. The Obamas did so much to give the girls a normal, supportive childhood and it’s such a stark contrast to what this kid is going through. I wish they’d just let him and Melania go back to New York, to his familiar home, his school, his friends and his privacy. It

I can think of two turkeys who’ll be pardoned at the White House.

I genuinely feel bad for that child. The only White House kid who I think had even close to as bad of an experience was Chelsea, and she at least seemed to have strong relationships with each of her parents. Barron gets to have his teen years televised, gets to watch his father immersed in scandal, gets to attend

I miss Obama’s dad-jokes at the Turkey pardon. He’d embarrass his girls every year. Trump just isn’t funny (on purpose).

Tiffany Trump also present