
I think Dave Franco is just a total delight.

Dave is by far the better Franco.

I mean he’s only human. Who doesn’t turn to mush for Michelle?

I think Dubya loves Michelle. See; how he was trying to get her attention at the inauguration and the 100% pure sunbeam his faced turned into when she saw and smiled at him.

Sidenote, the Obamas and the Bushes are consistently adorable with each other and it warms my cold heart.

Dear Barack Obama,

I love, love, love the outfit on Milli Bobby Brown! So chic, without being inappropriate. Other tween actresses and entertainers, take note: you do not have to wear some cut-down unsuitable gown made for a grown-up. You can get yourself something really nice!

It is the best worst movie I’ve ever seen.

Paul Bettany openly talked about what Von Trier got up to on the set of Dogville. I seem to recall it was stuff like buying a stack of porn mags and telling an actress that they were Bettany’s. Said he hated the guy so much by the end of the shoot that he dragged his bed away from the hotel wall because he knew Von

I think I could watch an hour of Larry performing in court, but does such an urge make me no better than the beasts?

Larry’s pure joy in getting his sunglasses back fucking killed me. The episode probably could’ve done more with Elizabeth Banks but, eh, I’ll take it.

Take your unsucked candy back out of the well.

I like Mikey Day. He was from Madtv before. I think his manic energy is perfect for SNL. I like him better than Villasenor.

Agreed, the Trump impression just doesn’t cut it anymore, it’s repetitive, not particularly accurate or funny, and worse, it’s almost making him seem sort of cuddly and lovable, instead of the maliciously ignorant spite-monster he really is. Seth Meyers packs more truths into his brief and laser-sharp Trump

Michael Che’s “I liked it” response was the cherry on top.

I had ever heard that and now I love her even more.

Get Out was so damn good though. I’m one of those annoying people that get totally hyped and recommend this movie to damn near everyone. Seriously. Watch it if you haven’t. Like now. Come back and tell me I’m right. I’ll wait.

My sentiments exactly. I’ve always had a soft spot for Brit Brit. She deserves happiness.

aawww, I didn’t know I needed this in my life.

This is cute and she looks happy and I can’t hate. Paint on, Brit!