
Hackett claims Price told her, “You will love my dick” (reportedly a reference to another Amazon series I Love Dick). Later, at the party, Price allegedly came up to Hackett and loudly exclaimed “Anal sex!” in her ear.

I find it very interesting that he never worked with HW, considering what a huge star he is. I wonder if he knew (probably) what a pig Harvey was/is and refused?

I think process addictions are definitely “real”: gambling, sex, shopping, video games... but not applicable to this situation and agree that it’s used as excuse far too often.

Emma Thompson continues to be a goddess

I think you can be addicted to anything. The brain is a complex beastie. However, people need to be responsible for their actions and not use “omg sex addict” as an excuse.

I read this today and thought it was very enlightening, and why sex addiction is a bullshit excuse in this case and Anthony Weiner’s case.

It’s both. Weinstein’s an example of the latter.

The first time I saw Jane Fonda onscreen was in “They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?”, which was shot 49 years ago. She was magnificent then, and still is (same angle as the T&C cover in this shot, below) and she and Michael Sarrazin made for one of the all time most gorgeous screen couples in a harrowing film that still

I adore Tom Hanks.

Thank you, Emma Thompson. He’s a predator, sex rehab is not going to do a thing for him.

It was the best casting of his life. He always came off as a slime ball to me and when I read he was cast as Nick I was like whoa... good job perceptive casting agent.

They’re back! in PORG form.

Ah, this is so sweet that it hurts. As is contemplating what she could have accomplished.

That kimmel stunt reminds me of conservatives buying Starbucks coffee and telling baristas their name is “trump” or whatever that ridiculous thing was. You are literally giving them free publicity! So idiotic.

Pedophiles and child molesters are almost always portrayed as the “creepy older man” type, and this is a reminder that these urges don’t manifest when people turn into adults. This guy is really attractive, had fame, success, and he’s got a hard drive of prepubescent pornography? Fucking terrifying.

It truly is the blurst of times.

Right? My first indication of anything like this was when Biel was getting interviewed on a red carpet and Justin was hamming it up in the background.


This wedding pic tells me everything I need to know about Justin:

“Better than Olive Garden” is the very definition of damning with faint praise.