
If you get to ❤️ Leo without @s, can I also shamelessly express my pleasure at having my assessment of my teenage crush R. Martin as a nice dude affirmed?

SO happy to hear this about my boyfriend Leo. Don’t @ me. The heart wants what the heart wants.

Kidman all the way. She seems like she can hold her own in a fight and also cut a bitch with her words and facial expressions. Here she is subtly dissing Giada di Laurentiis’s pizza:

Melissa Joan Hart is such an asshole, which disappoints me since I loved “Clarissa Explains it all” and the early seasons of “Sabrina”.

100% Reese is the girl who will taunt you at your locker surrounded by a gaggle of other girls, and Nicole is the one who will just slam your head in it and walk away.

Discussion time: who would you put money on in a fight, Nicole or Reese? Reese seems like she’d cut a bitch, but Nicole survived Tom Cruise for ten years, so I feel like it’d be pretty even odds.

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

If America was honest, this picture would be on the $10 bill.

“...please (1) not extend the pop-up beyond its 6 week run ending in September, and (2) reach out to us for permission if you plan to do something like this again.”

As someone who used to make a lot of “inspired fan art,” that’s pretty much the most ideal Cease & Desist one could hope for.

He is seriously the sweetest! I love his character so much. What I really want in season 2 is more Dustin and Luke. They are my faves. (And more Steve, because he’s an idiot and 80's as fuck).

I’m guessing part of the reason Arnett delivered those lines so well is because he’s heard that voice too. For me, what really resonated was the antagonism: the way the voice is really not on your side, not ever. Anything you do will not be good as far as the voice is concerned.

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;

Me too... I’ve got The Voice and I was blown away by how accurate this portrayal was. Occasionally mine vocalizes for real and I have to look around and see if anyone heard me do it. So far so good. I think.

Yeah when Hollyhock asked does that voice go away it really smacked me hard because it was so obviously a “not at all” answer, yet no one would want to tell their loved ones that. While these episodes are always a kick in the urethra, it is somewhat comforting knowing that there are other people out there that know

It really nailed the constant “why bother? what’s the point?” constant that seems to strangle me any time I try to do something positive for myself, with extra lists and books and volumes of the worst possible outcomes. Too damn real.

It’s strange how you can be waiting for something and not know you’re waiting on it. Sitting and watching this with my girlfriend, she turned to me and asked if this is what it was like for me all the time. It was such a weird question, because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for such a long time that it

That ad is giving me San Junipero vibes, and now I want an episode of Black Mirror written by/starring Issa.

Mild spoiler: The Courtney Portnoy tongue twister stuff continues throughout most of the season and Amy Sedaris kills it every single time. It’s easily one of the comedic highlights of this season for me.

Talenti or GTFO