
I walked my little guy into his first day of pre-K today. It was only for an hour to get them situated, but afterwards he was very interested in where I’d gone in his absence. He was also very tired and needed some M&Ms.

I agree, every impression I have of him is of a really sweet but sort of shy kid. Good job on his parents for cutting down the photographers and excitement - kids his age don’t know about school fees or paparazzi, they just know they’re going somewhere new and strange without their parents around. Hopefully they’ve

This is a very important issue. I’ve felt like this for years now.

Not a high-fashion thing, but I feel like clothing from many major retailers right now is (similar to current walk style) pretty boring. I’m having a tough time finding anything I am excited about wearing. I walked into Top Shop and turned right around to head back out because none of it was for me.

This kid’s entire life must be so intimidating! Which is not to say hard, because clearly it’s not... but I mean, I was scared of my parents’ friends until I was probably 12. And my parents don’t know any heads of state.


a combination of Winston Churchill and a shady New York drag queen

You’re probably right!

Yeah I really love how not into going to school he is in these photos, especially the one where he’s shaking hands with the blonde lady (his teacher I guess?)

Awww, I admit I’m biased Bc I’m projecting but...I’ll bet he’s just nervous! School can be an intimidating first experience for toddlers.

He’s a combination of Winston Churchill and a shady New York drag queen, which is the kind of leadership our world needs right now. He’s amazing.

I am not really much of a kid person but I really do love this kid’s resting bitch face.

I’m seconding the suggestion on White House/Black Market for work clothes. Aside from the good size selection (it’s not hard to find something in 10 - 14), a lot of their clothing doesn’t require dry cleaning, and the fabric is pretty durable. I have several of their dresses and skirts, and they don’t need anything

I find that for work clothing, the best place for me is White House Black Market. They aren’t cheap, which is why I only buy work outfits there, but they have forgiving fabrics and if you need a sheath dress with sleeves, or a black skirted suit, both with a forgiving amount of give to the fabric, and also matching

Since The Limited closed I also have nowhere to buy work clothes too. Clothing shopping is such a chore now. Everything is ugly.

So thin! Everything is see thru it’s just annoying. I have to wear double the layers for gap clothing. And not wearing an undershirt in a gap T-shirt is not alluringly, sexy transparent. It’s like being frumpy and naked at the same time.

It was part of the push to convince every woman to wear at least three layers of tops, winter or summer.

I’ve just not been able to determine, at any point in the last 10 years, who Gap thought they were making clothes for. I still enjoy their Gap Body stuff, and when their athletic stuff is on sale I’ll take a peek, but their regular clothes are just so fucking bizarre. It’s like hey, what if we took regular t-shirts

That’s always been the consensus though, isn’t it? Yeah, the movie as a whole is pretty crap (Tommy Lee Wallace was never particularly distinguished before or after being tapped to make direct it) but Tim Curry’s Pennywise is like a fucking Brando classic.