
I love the Rock.

For a second there I thought Halle Bailey was a typo for Halle Berry

Doesn’t the whole thing read like a “fuck you,” anyway? This being said:

Obama has way too much class to do that, unfortunately. (Or fortunately.)

...departed Earth just a few days after Donald Trump was elected president...

Beyond amazing! Meanwhile I’m over here like I DON’T WANNA MOW THE LAWN!

I really hate to see how much Kinja has affected the commenting community here - it was the best I knew of and one of the primary reasons for visiting AV Club. I also have always loved the content and even though it hasn’t changed substantively, the horrid presentation (or rather, the lack of any organized

Again another reading comprehension fail- honestly thought Taylor Swift wore a trench coat to the wedding. Whitney, love your gossip round ups, but PLEASE I am begging you, start bolding celeb names so I can continue to only pay 40% attention to this gossip.

Did anybody actually watch the video of that insane clusterfuck in the Oval Office? The one where some chanting preacher was dramatically invoking Jesus’ name and thanking God for Trump and Pence and for giving the President the wisdom to call for a national day of prayer, and a woman appeared to be weeping,

I didn’t choose celibacy, celibacy chose me. I miss sex but I’m also like Cher from Clueless: “You’ve seen how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet.”

Celebrities, they’re just like us!

I am totally embracing celibacy too, whether I want it or not.

She’s going through early menopause. I doubt that she’s feeling horny.

For some reason, the line, “Ben Affleck don’t eat no grapes!” always makes me laugh enormously. Ditto, “Shapes and colours the likes of which I’ve never seen!”

I’m very much in the “first 6 episodes are bad” camp, but I’m surprised at the relatively positive reception of this episode; I think it’s the worst of the 6 (and the show), with very little to redeem it. It sets up a half-baked backstory for one of the best characters on the show, and largely isn’t funny.


I’m pretty sure if someone had asked me where the next Eataly would open, the last fucking place I would’ve guessed was anywhere in Italy.

“Matt Besser cradles and protects Ian Roberts. Amy Poehler carries and protects both. This is how it ought to be, despite what your UCB Improv 101 teacher says.”

yup definitely just these movies and many misconceptions, nothing creepy about clowns IRL