
"and what about BARB?! HOW COULD YOU NOT MENTION BARB?!?!"

I can't get over how good they were in "Globesmen."

even the TINIEST roles on that show are pure gold….Guardrail! Father Brah! Heather's parents! Vegan Guacamole Guy! Grocery Clerk with Half an Eyelid!

Not to mention Donna Lynne Champlin…

I really enjoyed reading The Secret History in high school. I was trapped in the Midwestern suburbs and couldn't wait to get to college, where at last I'd be among Interesting Intellectuals (hopefully not murderous ones, but if that's the price of admission…). I re-visited it as an adult and could not stop rolling my

I also finally read The Goldfinch this year and had mixed feelings…I actually liked the Wes Anderson vibe in the beginning (it felt Harry Potterish to me as well — young boy, tragic loss, crap family, eccentric adult pals who help him out, etc.) but that didn't last and I became more and more annoyed with the

I think the b&w heightens the feeling of alienation and sharpens the "just survive" aspect. There's a lot of big cool STUFF to look at, but at the same time it's a very primal/crude world. Without color, the bold shine of chrome seems extra attractive. And when they talk about going to "the green place," well…yeah…

maybe if he changes his name to John GREATman…

While Mad Max: Fury Road was not *technically* a 2016 film, the gorgeous "Black&Chrome Edition" was released this year. The black-and-white visuals were just as stunning and impressive as Doctor Strange, though obviously in a very different way. Doctor Strange was a cool trip, but Fury Road's a fucking RIDE.

I think it's cool that Cumberbatch did the mo-cap for Dormammu's face (though not the voice)…facing the ego/evil in yourself, etc. "It's not about you," but also, it is…

and I appreciated Redmayne's Oscar-caliber commitment to his erumpent mating dance

That dinner scene was utterly enchanting. I was also delighted by the tour of the suitcase (especially in 3D)…there was an honest sweetness in the way both characters interacted with the creatures.

The diner scene from Hell or High Water ("What don't ya want?").

Every time I see the Power Rangers movie trailer, I give myself a pat on the back for figuring out that it's a trailer for Power Rangers.

"Look at all those dominos! Pretty impressive…"
"Rumor has it he's also a real whiz with a Rubik's Cube."
"Clearly this man is Brilliant. Kate Winslet told us so, and she used to work for Steve Jobs."

"From the people who brought you The Ocean Walker…"

The trailer for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is probably my #1. Hard to top that "Mr. Blue Sky" montage.


That trailer makes me cringe like crazy. I practically have to shut my eyes. HELEN MIRREN! EDWARD NORTON! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?