
Yes. "No Children." Also "This Year."

Trans-Siberian Orchestra's version of "Carol of the Bells" — played in a movie theater, of course. I remember how PUMPED I'd get as a little kid when that song would come on during the pre-trailer movie trivia slides…it was intense and kind of scary but also CHRISTMAS.

Mad Max: Fury Road — Black & Chrome Edition. Tonight was the perfect time to see it.

Kerri recently had a small part on 'Love' on Netflix

I love that episode. Lord ALW is my favorite PFT character.

He's certainly spry for a guy in his 50s— those kicks are almost Rockette-level!

Seeing Amy Ryan in this made me wish there was an alternate-universe crossover episode where Michael Scott and Holly Flax from The Office get high with The Guy (maybe at an Alicia Keys concert?)…Creed could come too.

Can we get Steve Holt and GOB involved somehow too? Maybe through an illusion gone wrong?

Slings & Arrows was my LIFE senior year of high school, when I watched it on DVD with my parents on Friday nights…'cause I'm cool. And then I'd go to bed and dream about Paul Gross.

the name's greatness is largely due to how Phil Hartman says it…his purr on the final syllable is perfection

and "Money" from Cabaret too

Also, Harper and Baby Seahorse…it's heartbreaking to see BoJack with babies. It's so beautiful to watch his paternal instinct in action, but then it gets sabotaged by his selfishness/sex drive.

I am listening to the audiobook of Mary Karr's memoir "Lit," and when reflecting on a relationship, she mentions the origin of the word "disaster:" the prefix "dis-" means "bad" and "aster" means "star," so a "disaster" is literally "an ill-starred event." Sara Lynn and BoJack could both be classified as "disasters"

I wish there were A.V. Club reviews for the episodes from Season 1…

Bert the Pug from 'Lady Dynamite' would fit in VERY WELL with the Hollywoo milieu…even if he's just in the background of a scene, smoking cigarettes outside a cafe

Maybe, but I was thinking he's a cat…but like a mangy feral stray with a chunk of his ear missing

Interesting. Maybe an even better storyline: Kimmy's rendition of the "Bunny and Kitty" song prompts a reunion of Rutabaga Rabbitowitz &Princess Carolyn.

Kimmy and Mr. Peanutbutter would be instant best friends