
Obviously he should go with Dr. Andrea Bayden (Tina Fey's character from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)

I like to think it was part of a theatre festival that also included a production of "Oh, Streetcar!"

Is 'Flaked' worth watching?

Never change, Mr. Peanutbutter. Never change.

Dr. Wolfhard is pretty good, though…

Stabler too! He'd get along great with Diamond Joe!

"Kevin Roberts 4 Prezident!"

I want a Jill Pill SPIN-off…maybe a WEBseries!

Mr. Peanutbutter is the cutest.

I really hope BoJack gets a lengthy interview on a WTF parody (w/Marc Maron guest voice) in season 4…

I keep singing "Taystee and Red…." to the tune of "Lady in Red"

I originally thought it was CGI, like they did with Brad Pitt in Benjamin Button

Poor Lorna. If only she had a Sonicare…

Crossover parody I wish I could see: Taystee's first day as Don Draper's secretary on Mad Men…I would LOVE to see her interact with the Sterling Cooper crew.

The Seinfeld episode where Susan died aired May 16, 1996. Twenty years later…

John Mulaney made a Trump/Family Feud joke on Late Night with Seth Meyers back in November…

Fuck Logan Square. I'm moving to Pilsen.

Yeah, it's kind of sweet to think that Bill grew up, learned code, found Satan, and lived "happily" ever after as "Bertram Gilfoyle" (it's fun to imagine the scene where he chose that name for himself…also fun to imagine Gilfoyle reverting to Haverchuckian innocence when nobody's watching and giggling over stand-up

A part of me always manages to see a little bit of the actors' Freaks and Geeks characters in their roles as adults

Pitcher's got a big butt!