
A Lebowski TV show would be the greatest thing ever. Even if it was just real-time footage of Jeff Bridges and John Goodman bowling.

"I like baked potatoes, man. I don't have a microwave oven; it takes forever to cook a baked potato in a conventional oven. Sometimes I'll just throw one in there, even if I don't want one, because by the time it's done….who knows?"

Interesting…I really didn't even think about the tour guide. Maybe the accent tricks me into giving her a break, because now that I think about it, if Mickey had done the same thing, I'd recognize it as rude.

And none were more beautifully terrible than those on 30 Rock: TGS with Tracy Jordan, MILF Island, Bitch Hunter, America's Kidz Got Singing…Queen of Jordan, however, was just plain beautiful. I miss that show.

The meta-commentary on the "cool black advice-giver" was one of the funniest parts of the series (and now I want to watch You've Got Mail/The Holiday)

Claudia O'Doherty talking about The Holiday was so cute — thank god she's on this show to lighten things up a bit

Kel and orange soda!

When I was little, I was terribly afraid of losing my hand in the ball return machine at bowling alleys because of the movie Kingpin…I only saw the trailer, but it freaked me out.

"Telephone Wire."

It's how I learned about Tesco's.


The "happy birthday" thing killed me.

It's so beautiful/powerful when they quote the actual farewell address.

Is there a well-done "My Shot"/"Lose Yourself" mashup on the internet somewhere?

I grew up near Kosciusko County, Indiana…didn't know about this. Interesting! Steuben County is nearby, too…and the newish (early 2000s) shopping mall in that area is called Jefferson Pointe. Huh.

my favorite #ParksandHam contributions were "We're reliable with the LAAADIIIEESSS!" and "Lord, show me how to say no to this."

I listen to the soundtrack almost every day at work to boost my mood. I really like the first three songs and the cabinet battles — if I need to perk up, I'll put on "What'd I Miss?" or "The Room Where It Happens." I had "You'll Be Back" in my head for DAYS. This week, though, I've been enjoying "Washington On Your

I just wish I could see the choreography for "The Room Where It Happens"…I've only seen clips, but it looks fantastic.

They might have trouble casting the leads, but every Midwestern high school show choir has at least one PERFECT candidate for King George.

Speaking of chilling, I wanted to compare "Stay Alive (Reprise)" to "Mama, Look Sharp" from 1776, 'cause I remember how haunting that song seemed we watched the movie in fifth grade. I re-listened, and it feels very dated and SLOW (actually, "Molasses and Rum" is pretty slow too, but it's worth it. Damn, I love when