There was survey for this, I kind of just assumed the people that worked from home wore little to none. I would wear the latter.
There was survey for this, I kind of just assumed the people that worked from home wore little to none. I would wear the latter.
Clearly as an on going joke.
You JACKASS.................too early?
So Acura can make a decent looking car, it seems like their vision for cool shit got blurred after 2008.
Haha, I have a 3rd gen TL and everytime I go in for service at Acura a sales person always tries to get me to look at trading and getting a new TL. My answer everytime is nope that thing you guys call a car is hideous.
Its funny how the other commenters were thinking the exact same thing as I after reading the the title lol
All that came to mind was this vid haha
Ann Hathaway as catwoman wtf!! Obviously it couldn't Michelle Pfeiffer but someone along those lines (sexiness) would of been nice.
Smart, I remember when I was using the iphone 3g a few years back, their customer service walked me through the steps to get picture messaging to work. Not only did it work but this was at the time picture messaging wasn't available for the iphone fore whatever reason AT&T had.
That snake is double trouble.
I wear a watch because I can tell time off an analog clock. You'd be surprised how it takes some people a few minutes to read the time to you and even then they round to a number they know.
I believe the children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way.............ok I'll stop.
That ashton martin looks gorgeous, even wet.
A blue 1999 porsche 911, dam thing was sexy.
If apple is selling all these ipads dircetly to business it would be nice to have some sort of business app pack or something already installed.
Man, aim was the shit. If you had a gf/bf you had to have the persons initials in your profile for some, the day they became official. I remember when my gf at the time was upset and I didn't know what I did, all I had to do was read her away status. After that put up some cheesy love song chorus and wait for the…
There is nothing wrong with cosplay but dam there is a time and place. Also I don't know whats worse, this guy's costume or walking into my local apple store and seeing an overweight male employee in skinny jeans.
I didn't see a kickstand in the pics of the Sensation 4g which was odd to me, its not a deal breaker but it would of been nice.
I was just wondering why the sensation wasn't going to have a kickstand. Maybe its HTC's way of differentiating their phones lol.
Both, take Uncharted for example. Great sequel but it was entirely new and amazing. Also, sequels gives games with potential a second chance to be awesome.