
Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

how do you murder a person and receive a sentence of only 15 years and then only serve 12!??? our justice system needs all kinds of reform.

Half of me comes from that “shithole” country. I made it a point to get familiar with the history of Haiti, and even I learned something new after reading this because I wasn’t aware of the Citibank connection. This is just further proof that the US really was built on the backs of slaves and racist fuckery.

As a Haitian-American, from the depths of my heart, thank you for writing this piece.

He doesn’t have the game to make a name.

In the the old Batman versus Superman debate, and it always comes down to Batman needing to have everything work absolutely perfectly. All of his traps, all of his plans, all of his equipment has to operate perfectly with no mistakes to even have a shot at beating Superman. All it takes is one slip-up and Superman can

Fire Marshall Bill still burning shit down.

done and done.

Some people didn’t believe me when I said Pusha T was going to murder Drake in this beef. Drake’s going to have to come up with something crazy if he’s going to stand a chance. I don’t think he has it in him. The fact that Pusha said he’s going to peel this back layer by layer means he’s in it for the long haul. Is

You need to do an update on how petty PUSHA-T is.

In his defense, if my teenage past were to resurface, I would have t...oh wait, I’ve never been a racist scumbag. Nevermind.

So we meet again, my old nemesis.

Way more consistent than his basketball performance over the past 3 years anyways.

“with flawed logic about things”

I really hope the Obama administration changed its nuclear protocols.

1st Gear: America’s SUV Obsession Means Luxury Automakers Struggle To Sell Lease-Returns

Challenge accepted.

If it was such a short time ago, you can contact Amazon through either call or chat and notify them of the price change to be credited with the difference back to your payment method or as a store credit.

If it was such a short time ago, you can contact Amazon through either call or chat and notify them of the price

As my uncle used to say to me growing up, “Life is like a shit sandwich. The more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat.”

That’s call capitalism. America’s built on that. Cam Newton is what’s great about America.