Fuck, this song brings back so many fun memories of playing this game. One of my all time favorites.
Fuck, this song brings back so many fun memories of playing this game. One of my all time favorites.
I had so many great memories playing this game. My favorite part was being able to switch up your party with all these amazing different characters. Another game I enjoyed was Legend of Dragoon, I might be in the minority on this but oh well lol.
Haha, the minute I saw this title I knew I would see this pic.
Has a Maserati type mouth.
If your not going to remove the post at least take down the picture of the two.
That asus laptop isn't worth your life. If the person has enough balls to grab and dash, he might not have an issue using whatever means to get away.
show her what your working with
Other than looking for good deals, I really enjoy the short intros leading to the top deal haha.
def creating a kevin hart station
First thing I would of done before entering that car, would of been to take those dam ballons and other crap off the car.
I remember seeing pictures of this car a while back with a half naked booth babe next too it. My girlfriend walks by and sees me gawking and shit, then calls me a pig. I go babe honestly this hard on is really due to the car.
Copies should be sent to the families of 9/11 victims who request them.
I got two tiny complaints about my 04 tl. One, why can't the dam sidemarkers blink to signal which way I'm going and two, why can't both sideview mirrors just tilt at the same time. Sorry for being nit picky but these seem to fall under sommon sense to me, oh well still doesn't take away how much I love my car.
If its a huge title that i love like lets say a metal gear, then there is no hesitation. I love that series and have played them all. Other than that, I'll wait a couple weeks then buy them off craigslist for half the price off an impulse buyer. Doesn't always work only because I'm not the only one that does this of…
I would love to see a new star fox and not that rpg style one either they made for gamecube.
Yea i saw that on engadget, I almost pre-ordered the LG G2X but I wanted to wait to see if this was coming state side, I guess patience is truly a virtue.
They should make a tv show about Hennessey on HD Theater. It would be a nice change from watching West Coast Customs all the time which I'm not knocking on one bit.
Please let this come out for tmobile usa, I have an upgrade ready and waiting.
There is more competiton among phone makers that use android. HTC could put out a beast of a phone and get topped the following month by lets say LG or Samsung. In Apple's case, they don't deal with that seeing there the only one (their choice) that deals with iOS.
Will this make its way to tmob usa? I got my hopes up for the Desire Hd last time and was sadly let down. I don't mind waiting for this and skipping on the LG G2X.