
I lost my job a few years ago and decided to dedicate myself to the hundreds of games I owned, but never even touched. I haven’t really needed to work much, so I can dedicate myself to gaming 8ish or more hours a day since then. As a result, I’d consider myself an expert on backlogs. I’ve spent thousands of hours

My PS4 slim runs hot, like it heats up my room so much that I need to open the door now and then. But even worse, the fan randomly rattles like crazy and I have to use headphones. Fortunately it doesn't do that so much anymore.

If you are going to eat a meat, eat turkey. It is the most efficient meat as it only requires 1.1 lbs of grain to produce 1 lbs of meat. Also, they’re far dumber than cows or pigs. But that’s an aside, intelligence isn’t the determining factor of eating meat, climate change is.

I could be misremembering an article, but I think he’s looked like since he was a teenager. Other kids would get him to buy them booze, as he wouldn’t get carded.

There’s a Vanity Fair article that breaks down both Stephen and his wife that is really indepth and explains it all. I highly suggest you read it as it is excellent.

It is 70% of 70 million that believe the election was stolen.

Prinny games are side scrolling, platform hack and slash games. At least from what I’ve read, I never played them.

I can’t attest to 3, but CK2 was very, very complex. Have you played any other Paradox games? It’s easiest to compare it to another of their games. IMO more complex than any of their other games, but it does come close to Hearts of Iron, if in different ways. HoI4 focuses a lot more on combat, CK has that, but so much

I’ve told the story of being locked out of my Steam account for 45 days so many times on this site, that I won’t rehash it here. Suffice to say, it took them 30 days to even address the issue and then did it so sloppily that it took another 15 to really fix it.

Ultima Online came out after Crusader and I think most, if not all Wing Commanders. I loved both of those series of games, great memories!

Now playing

I never knew what Nightcore was until I stumbled across a hilarious and amazing bongo cat tweet.

Omg, apple bowls are the best!!! The top forms a natural bowl, so remove stem. Then take a corkscrew, drill down as far as you can go. Then just dig 2 more holes for the choke and hole you smoke from. Boom, bowl in 2 minutes. Smoke gets a little apple flavor and adds flavor to the apple for when you eat the evidence.

Thanks for trying your best at posting in English. It is clearly not your first language.

It got to the point where I’d read his JRPG reviews, but I wouldn’t trust his opinions on them. I came to the conclusion that he just doesn’t have the time or patience for them anymore and he shouldn’t be reviewing them. He has too much on his plate with a job, writing books and a family to give them a fair shake.

Patricia Hernandez is at Polygon.

What if you didn't have any tax filings for 2018 or 2019 because you've been unemployed? How do you get the money in that situation?

The fuck is wrong with your brain?

For years I never understood why the big bad in movies or games would want to destroy the planet... but now I do. I root for them now.

I was listening to this on NPR the other day, it really is fascinating. They don't really care about making money, to them, it's all just math, facts and science. They dig up records going back hundreds of years to study every single facet of every single market from all recorded history. Then apply it to today's

Oh man, but when you don’t? It’s the best! I’ve been on flights where an entire row is empty. Just lay down across three seats and Zzzzz.