holding hands is the most lewd and disgusting possible act what are you talking about you degenerate
Yeah? You must be absolutely thrilled by this game
I fully expect the next article after this to be:
I know, right? I assumed that this was just one of those things that Jezebel article writers sometimes overreact to, and that he just made a one-off gaffe. you know, to give him the benefit of the doubt even though I normally don’t like the dude. But the more it went on, the worse it got! AAAAA!!
calling himself his…
That was far worse than I thought it was going to be, jesus christ on a cracker. Who even calls themselves their child’s boyfriend? Even in bizarro world jest? What the actual fuck?
Dark Souls fans still give Blight Town crap due to the technical issues that were once common with it.
Trump is a traitor and a Russian asset. I’m not really that surprised. I wonder how much intel he gave to Russia when he threw them a house warming party in the Oval Office.
Fuck Putin and his GOP allies here at home. They can all rot.
Nintendo: We are happy that government and law enforcement agencies have ruined this man’s financial future and have imprisoned him away from society for three years. We are very protective of our IP and our prolific software archive.
Gamers: Soooo do you want to put your back catalog in an easily-browsed online…
Not to mention, if a corporation (such as, say, Nintendo of America) were caught breaking laws with a trumped you value of just tens of millions, it might even be so small an infraction that they don’t receive punishment. Maybe a slap on the wrist in the form of a fine that the government could pay back in corporate…
Yeah no, sending people to jail isn’t a deterrent on future crimes and in fact it actually sets up the incarcerated person to turn from small time offenders into career criminals. We’ve known this for 40 years in America, but people still trot out this tired “jail time stops crime” bullshit.
Now finally a point in all these comments I can agree with. If millions of dollars of theft is equal to three years, apply that same scale to those home grown terrorists.
Fucking thank you! Ugh, this nation is so gross sometimes.
100% agree.
Oh my God, it just hit me.
Man, entitled gamers strike again. Just because they *paid* for a *video game* they expect actual progress and updates towards that game being completed. What entitled babies.
I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.