
I think this Jalopnik story should be automatically included in anything regarding air travel. I will never stop laughing aloud when reading it.

I started to type out the salacious story, but I can't. Look it up if you really want to know.

Starred for “Slenderman’s bald son.”. Not that the rest isn’t also great, but, oof! *chef’s kiss*

I haven’t played the DLC, so maybe it’s different, but yeah, iron weapons are typically always better than steel. In two playthroughs of the vanilla game, I would carry a steel weapon for those rare moments they performed better... but I almost always went from iron to silver.

This article is an exceptional and delightful read. And not just because it references my favorite game of the decade - Nier: Automata.

Can you rewrite this comment, please? It is totally cool if your first language is not English, but your comment is difficult to read in the current format. I am unsure what you are trying to say.

The second one is definitely the best, but still, awkwardly worded. Thanks for fixing Bashcraft's initial try, it hurt.

No, it’s definitely science. The brain shrinks as you age and some people tend to become more racist. I’m too lazy to look up an article for you.

I watched it subbed the first time through and Loved the show much that I had to rewatch it. I tried with dubs, but some of the jokes don't translate well and I had to go back to subs. What a brilliant show, some episodes had me laughing for a solid 20 minutes.

That Gatekeeper though... when Dorothea pretends to be him, I lost my shit.

Some cats are needy as fuck. Have you ever tried to masturbate when you have a cat that wants to be on your lap 24/7? I had to stand on a chair one time to get off and there she was, pawing up at me, meowing, trying to get on the chair. So distracting. Michaux was too precious for this world. Gosh, I miss that cat.

Nier: Automata is the best game of this decade.

I wouldn’t bother, the games are pretty bad. They don’t hold up today. I bought all of them, beat KH1 and started the next game in the series and just gave up. Once I learned the combat is simple and wildly frustrating in every iteration along with the story being nonsensical, I listened to a friend.... He grew up

Half-Life changed my life, literally. It later helped me cope with being bedridden for over a year in my early teens. I became one of the top 5 CS players of all time (according to the CLQ) in beta 4. I used to think “If I lean against this wall, I’ll run faster”, but in real life. Or I’d look into the mirror and see

Might wanna wait on that, Disney+ is a disaster. Watching at a friends house with his 100 mbps connection on a top of the line PC, to only have it stutter every 5 seconds... completely unacceptable. Ended up pirating it and it not only fixed that problem, but looked and sounded better.

I think what this person means, is that mechnically, it’s the best FPS ever and it’s hard to argue against that. The controls are so tight. They feel great, respond so well and so accurately.

I agree with your sentiment. I would love to see an Empire point of view.

It’s good to support these devs though. I imagine that VC4 may never even have happened if not for the surprise success of VC1's release on Steam and breaking 500k copies sold. Gotta help ensure they keep these amazing games coming!!

I liked Captainless Squad for similar reasons, but I preferred Squad E over it. I like fan service to a degree, so I got it for the outfits and skits. What I did not expect was how interesting it was storming a resort - it had unique maps with difficult fights.

I understand your complaint, but you need to realize that Zelda BotW is worth buying a Switch AND full price for the game. It’s one of the best games you will play in your entire life. This is coming from a PC master race kid that started gaming at age 3 in 1988. I skipped the wii and wii U, but came back to the