
I had vomit happen once and it was gross - though I didn’t tell her that, I didn’t want her to feel even worse. She slurped it up (it wasn’t that much) and apologized. I honestly just felt really bad for her, I mean, we were just teens and she really wanted to learn to deep throat (I’m a few inches above average and

I only say this because it has not yet been said in any of the comments. Nintendo is slaying!!!!

Reading your description brought back some memories from nearly two decades ago with Baldur’s Gate. I had a friend I met through Myth: The Fallen Lords who sent me cash (15$? I think that’s around how much expansions were back in 1999ish) in the mail to buy Tales of the Sword Coast and we naturally never really played


I agree with your point. Similar credentials, played Ultima Online and many MMORPG games from a young teen on. At any rate, what Kirk describes as grinding in MH: World is absolutely farming. But he makes a good point that they could learn from the game.

If only it took a month to blow through the expansion in Destiny 2! It took me a handful of hours to beat the story and hit max level and then hitting near max gear level that week. Why didn’t I hit max gear level in first week? Because Bungie slows us down with artificial progress barriers so we have to wait for the

I’m a cop, you idiot!!

Very doubtful. Sins of a Solar Empire has had a wildly popular Star Wars mod since 2011 and it still is receiving updates. I have seen plenty of other games with Star Wars mods and it has not been an issue.

It broke Steam records for most simultaneously played game, so it has that going for it. We know what sort of game it is and that it has been done before, but the popularity/success of it launched it into GOTY land.

I’m really happy it won something as well. It’s absolutely my best game of the year despite my love for Zelda and Persona 5.

Agreed! That’s the only one that made me laugh out loud.

I’ve stopped playing PUBG because of the constant desyncing, it’s a very serious problem. They designed their servers with 1 million concurrent players in mind, but recently broke 2 million.

While the current platform seems to be fine, I do miss the fact that when it was on Youtube, that I could hit next film and it would play the last (previous) Highlight Reel.

Totally agree with you and a previous Kotaku article does as well. It seems pretty obvious that at least two different people wrote Ann and she comes off as having multiple personalities that contradict in a totally unnatural way. It’s a damn shame they can’t seem to get her story/personality straight.

That’s a real shame to read. I’ve never really had any issues with loss of frame rates in hand held or docked mode. And I REALLY pay attention to that because I am mostly PC master race and don’t like any sort of lag.

I’m not sure you read this comment correctly. They’re basically saying that everyone should view this and learn from it, not just those who are the most likely to vehemently deny that racism still exists in the U.S. 

Blackbird Interactive may be making more RTS games in the future and I hope so. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak was an excellent prequel to the original Homeworld games.

I bet that dog doesn’t even know it’s the best dog.

Same! Now I’m hankering for chips and salsa...