The word you’re looking for is ‘husbando’, I believe.
The word you’re looking for is ‘husbando’, I believe.
O M G. You just solved the mystery flicker I’ve been having!
I’m glad you mentioned Factorio, so we can rally and vote down that boring game.
Thanks for the tip regarding Cold Steel. I’m not much of a console gamer, but I have been getting into them more lately with a recently purchased Switch and PS4 slim in past couple months... so I may pick up Cold Steel as I have a PS3 that I’ve hardly ever touched.
I was a big fan of the first two and beat them on PC. But I think I may pass on this one... Estelle was such a likable character - it saddens me that she is not the star and may not be in the game at all. Also, Kevin was one of my least favorite characters in the games.
I am still bitter about Bungie jumping ship from Mac to release a game for Xbox only. The Marathon series were incredible FPS games for the game, very heavy on a fascinating story. Then they followed it up with the ground breaking Myth: The Fallen Lords and the sequel.
In 2015 I was locked out of my Steam account for forty-five fucking days. 99% of my gaming library was inaccessible. I am glad to see it’s been shaved down to such a short period of time. They most certainly lost business as a result. I’ve bought games on Origin, GoG and one on Ubisoft to spread my library out, just…
Zelda was worth the $500ish I dropped to get the game, accessories etc. I’ve played about 120 hours and it’s still great fun.
Just get a horse and you won’t fear them anymore. A horse can knock them over with a decent charge. Then you just circle around the Guardian with them on your right and hack off their legs. They keep exploding and falling over.
Skip that and just use a metal weapon from your inventory. Using a leaf is slower and a waste of inventory space.
I always play a tank or a healer for this reason. It’s from my MMORPG days, when we always needed a tank or a healer to do anything. The good of the group is more important than ‘having fun’ with some schmucky DPS class. I discovered that tanking or healing tends to be a lot more satisfying. I’m the hero of the group…
I don’t really watch speedruns myself, but I enjoy these articles.
Did, did you read the article? =P Tucker Carlson.
I came here to post this about the New York Times, their opinion pieces are awful and I won’t subscribe to them as a result.
Total War: Warhammer coop campaign with a friend. In between turns I then play Zelda BotW. It works out very well, however, I find it hard to stop playing Zelda to do my turn. That friend bought a Switch (for $400, but he’s an anesthesiologist and can afford paying more) and Zelda once he realized I was doing that and…
I’m pretty confident that the majority of people bought Zelda in hopes of getting a Switch soon. It was on sale on Amazon for a bit and I nearly jumped on that wagon before I was sold on the system/before I read reviews. I kicked myself later when I finally got my hands on the system and bought Zelda for full price.
What?! Where can that be found? I’m sure some are trolls, but if it’s a large number... ug, some are serious! Truly, truly disturbing.
Nep-Nep best girl!
You make a valid point, but some people are going to pirate regardless. Does an article like this increase the likelihood of pirating? That’s a good question.