Please do JezSpin. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! It was the highlight of 2016 for me and we really, really need some laughs in 2017. I can’t handle grim article after grim article. We need levity !
Please do JezSpin. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! It was the highlight of 2016 for me and we really, really need some laughs in 2017. I can’t handle grim article after grim article. We need levity !
This comment is now hilarious because Rockstar confirmed it was a bug.
I’ve had both Switch versions in my wishlist on Amazon for awhile now and I’ve been refreshing those pages every hour for the past four days. I was beginning to think it was a waste of time... but it finally paid off! I got it before this story even posted and told alllll my frands. We all got one coming, I’M SO…
I’ve had both Switch versions in my wishlist on Amazon for awhile now and I’ve been refreshing those pages every…
I was talking to a friend about this and he concurred with me. I honestly don’t understand the appeal of retirement. I’d be fine working another 100 years, if I got to live that long and I was able to introduce nanites or something similar that repaired my body and returned my youth.
Not even close! If I had been born later, I probably would be a professional gamer, doing what I love and most likely making a lot more money. I was top 5 in the world in Counter-Strike (according to the CLQ) and I missed the professional boat by around 10 years. I’m pretty bitter about this - when I see teenagers…
I was first exposed to this when I was 18 and trying to figure out what to do with my life. My cousins were in on it and convinced me to move to the other side of the country to sell ‘Prepaid Legal Services’. Seemed a lot more legit than something like Amway (which I had never heard of). My older cousin seemed to be…
A major component for heists is getting heist armor. It might be a bit expensive at first (40k or 60k?), but I think it halves the damage you receive. It’s a really, really big deal.
I do not vote in self interest. I grew up in an upper middle class household and had access to computers since I was three years old. I’m white and I’m male. I’m very aware of how large an advantage that has given me in life and I have a great job as a result.
“Time to raise my APM!”
What is this drivel? You need to cite a source if you’re going to make such claims. You’re comparing apples and oranges here at any rate. YouTube can’t replace journalism, because they’re different platforms. One is for hosting video content and the other is for reporting.
I’m mostly with you there, as I’m a hardcore PC gamer. Got a desktop, RoG gaming laptop for when I travel, Rift (DK2, I’m waiting for more games to come out before I get a Vive), joystick and hundreds of games on Steam, Origin, GoG and Uplay.
I think I like this game the most of the 4 (?) main games - I’ve got around 70 hours into it and might finish it tonight. Been playing through them straight through since I bought all the games on Steam.
This comments comes across as supremely ignorant and anyone who reads your comments should be questioning their validity.
There’s an 80 percent chance this article (and other articles, but this one takes the cake) sold the Switch and this game for me. I don’t play consoles - I have a barely used PS3 and that is it. PC master race and all that. But this game looks too damn good to ignore!
This gif NEVER gets old. I laugh every time I see it at the bottom of a Drew Magary article.
I’m still disappointed they’re releasing this tank before fixing D. Va.
ShockPossum made me lol and here is a star.
They need to fix D.Va and make her a viable tank again before adding more stuff. She gets wrecked with anything less than a dedicated Mercy healer and even then, she can get wrecked.
Uni best girl!