
My opinion is based off my experiences as an even earlier adopter than the current commercial versions, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I think you should wait and I will explain more thoroughly below.

My opinion is based off my experiences as an even earlier adopter than the current commercial versions, so take what

This deserves far more stars than the other responses, but I don’t think people get the joke.

The Hike was a fine book. I didn’t care for the first part of the book so much, but it really gets better from there and the ending is a mind blower. I recommend picking it up, especially for that price.

The Hike was a fine book. I didn’t care for the first part of the book so much, but it really gets better from there

What’s the coop like in this game? I’ve beaten all the Souls games with RL friends and we’ve been talking about this game. I rarely buy consoles, but I intend to pick one up for a few exclusive titles on PS4 and I’d get this game exclusively for cooping.

Someone posted the links, but yeah, it’s about 50/50. It’s also that way for myself as I’m tall/broad and have a very small bathroom and toilet. It’s much easier to stand in that situation. If I’m at work, I’m sitting as I have the room.

Don’t forget the The New Yorker! The cover of their latest issue was a shocker - look!

This is how we know the call actually happened the way it happened.

“Heroes never die!”

This is unacceptable. Pharmercy is the only possible shipping option!!! I will physically fight anyone who says otherwise. I will also probably lose that fight - but this is one hill I would gladly die on.

This article is spot on. The last expansion was a pleasant surprise, where you’re just a single tank for much of it.

Glad to see so much love for Konosuba. It’ll make you laugh out loud and it’s a lot of fun to watch.

Pick up group is what pug stands for. Unless you were making a joke and if you were, carry on.

Soooo many sprays this event!

Well, at least some people are actually interested in Bastion fucking.

For me it was the fact that you can’t save whenever you wanted. I don’t like being unable to undo a choice I made and get a bad result and then having to replay an entire chapter to undo it.

These are all wonderful, but that first one is incredibly beautiful. I could not help but gasp!

You’re correct - definitely husbandos.

I cannot edit my earlier comment, so I will reply to you and clarify what I stated above with another reply to a similar post.

I’ll flip that on you and ask why it’s fair to repeatedly force people to play as a tank or healer if they want to win? While the game is fun to play regardless, losing repeatedly is definitely not much fun. That means 95% of the time I’m playing as a tank or healer. That’s fine for me (I bet I’m an exception here, as

Obviously the toxic and rude comments are wrong and uncalled for. But who is the real asshole though? The one person who won’t be a team player and change roles for the good of the team, thereby ruining the game for five other people? Or the people who ask him to work together in a nice manner (in the cases that