
I think introducing something that encourages you to play as a tank or healer would be great. Even better might be a system that keeps track of all the times you played the ‘vital’ roles. If you fulfill the tank and healer for a group X number of times, you get free reign to choose a different class in a later game.

I get into an argument with a friend regarding pirating now and then. I pay for almost everything and he pirates almost everything. This is not only for ethical reasons, as there are other benefits as well.

I hope that Rainer Maria is on Spotify, but I will check it out regardless. Thank you for the suggestion!

I’m perpetually always sad and pop music fills a bit of that void =) 

I have listened to a bit of Arcade Fire, I will have to check out the other suggestions. I hope they are on Spotify and thank you for the suggestions! =)

I hope they can be found on Spotify, as I will check all of these out. Thank you =)

I’m a novice with opera, but I do enjoy the bit I have seen live, or otherwise. Any suggestions beyond the usual Madama Butterfly?

I know The Cars and B52's as well as have heard of the others, but I will have to give a serious listen to your suggestions. Thank you =D

Mine would mostly be male and that made me sad the other day, as I wish I had more diversity in my library. While I relate with male singers and find myself attracted to it, my ideal music would be 50/50 of male and female singers. I prefer a duet like Grouplove, Of Monsters and Men or a bit with Silversun Pickups.

I don’t like the word husbando either - it doesn’t seem to fit at all and just sounds strange.

I think that it would be beneficial if our society had more women in politics than men. Science has proven that women are better at compromising and collaborating. But then again, many of the people who voted for Trump don’t believe in science... *sigh*

Overwatch will be wildly popular years from now.

He’s technically your husbando ;)

Husbando is the correct term ;)

Oh gosh - I’m getting flashbacks from when I was locked out of my Steam account for 45 days straight after they fucked up. I got PTSD from that shit - when I lost access to over 200 games, of which I play coop with friends daily. We all had to find Origin and Ubisoft games etc. It was a long, dark period in my life.

The art is great, the ambiance is great and the music is near perfect. Kinda. The jazz was a bit strange, but did work for the episodes it was in... it just felt off.

I should add that despite my complaint about the end, it’s an excellent romcom and everyone should watch it.

Darker than black is a great gem in the rough. I have the second season, but I haven’t watched it. I accidentally had it spoiled for me and learned that it ends on a major cliff hanger. I prefer watching shows after they are completed and I especially hate cliff hangers. I’ve been waiting for season 3 to release, but

I just finished ToraDora! last night and I really enjoyed it. I like that it followed the light novels so faithfully, but seemed to smooth out some of the rough edges.