I played this game a bit with some friends who had solid gear, but never gave it much of a chance. Combat was fluid and fun.
I had a jerk on the bus do that to me yesterday, so inconsiderate.
Manspreading is the fucking worst. I hate assholes who manspread on the bus into my seat - I had a shithead doing that to me today. I once spent an entire 6 hour flight with my leg pressed against another asshole who kept pushing into my seat with his and I was not going to give ground. I think I got him to move back…
That’s what I’m holding out for. Elite: Dangerous is a pretty bad game and I have lost faith in the developers. They don’t understand that adding miles to the game won’t help if it has no depth, no content.
I’m fairly sure it already works with VR. I was told by a friend who plays that the latest patch broke it, but it will be back in soon. Maybe he just meant head tracking? I could be wrong. I should probably download it and try it with my DK2 to confirm.
It’s a shame that some people experience nausea from the Rift. I never really experienced it in any form and I spent at least a couple hundred hours playing that incredibly dull Elite: Dangerous game. The only time I felt nausea is when the game glitched and the screen would freeze for a second very occasionally.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This cannot be!
HAHAHAHA! You either don’t live in a major city or you make incredible bank. I live in arguably the most expensive city in the world and I pay 60% of my take home on rent alone. I’ve lived here for 3 years and I have rent control, so it could be even worse. Rent went up 14% last year and it is now over $2,800 for a…
I watched a review and read what others were saying about this game and it’s a resounding ‘no’ for me.
I definitely would not - I would love for Trump to win. As others have said above, he is probably the most moderate candidate from the right. I think that he says whatever he needs to say to win the nomination. He was once pro-choice and I think he still is, he just can’t say that. I think that while he may not be…
I have the answer to your question - it’s this guy.
I cannot believe this does not have more stars. I was laughing and laughing and laughing. Your comment single-handedly made this my favorite article of 2016.
I bought the game before it split and went up in price, but I haven’t played it yet. From what I’ve read, head tracking is broken at the moment and I won’t try it until that is fixed, as I play with a rift.
That would be amazing, I haven’t played many games with mission editors, but the ones I had were incredible. I played Neverwinter for awhile and one of the best and most memorable moments was playing a player made dungeon. Far surpassed any dev creation.