
The main reason it’s so barren is because the game is terribly, terribly mundane. All but the most hardcore gamers still play. I grinded for countless hours to earn 80 million, doing the least boring thing; bounty hunting. And that is so boring I fell asleep at least a dozen times doing it.

Whoop whoop! My friend and I cannot wait to get home to play this together. We spent 170 hours playing Dark Souls 2 coop and beat it multiple times. I cannot wait to do that with Dark Souls, especially considering most consider it superior. Thank you for the article.

I think the fact that he plays an FPS on console that could be played on PC answers the question. He has questionable judgment. =)

I’m not sure you want a cat that enjoys a good belly rub. I’ve only had one in my life and she is a handful. It started with a tentative belly scratch a couple years ago. It’s now become a serious problem.


I didn’t like some of the wording, so I switched it around. I figured I edited it before anyone could see it - my apologies.

I’m not letting this one go!!!! Here is a voice of reason.

That’s a bold faced lie! You list Wise (which is crap and near the bottom of the barrel) and go for the absolute bottom of the barrel with Middleswarth? I honestly cannot think of a worse potato chip to be had, unless you go with Utz’s horse radish chips. You will never experience such an assault on your senses as a

You’ll see that in the video above or the shots below, all captured on my PS4.

It’s amazing what you can do with simple mac and cheese with just about anything in the kitchen. My favorite is throwing in some spaghetti sauce - it is delicious. It’s by far the most mind blowing mac and cheese I’ve ever had. Especially if you get crazy flavors of spaghetti sauce.

Here are some very controversial opinions: Smashing Pumpkins’s last good album was Siamese Dream

I’m glad EA has such a generous return policy. I played the game for at least 10 hours over a week and was able to return it. Glad I did, this DLC is considerably underwhelming.

I find it hard to believe that Elite: Dangerous is so high up there. They’re apparently flush with cash and they still can’t give us decent content for the game.

I hope this comes to PC! I’m loving Trails in the Sky and can’t wait to finish it and move on to SC.


I can’t stop playing Trails in the Sky since I started on Monday. I’m surprised you were able to put it down.

Nintendo of America - please read this!

It’s such a shame because it’s so pretty and slick. But once you get past that “Wow, OMG, I feel like I’m in a Star Wars movie!”, it gets old fast. I returned it before the week was up.

Yeah, this confused me. Why not just use the TrackIR, as it appears to be superior and designed for this sort of thing?