Roll With The Changes

The vast majority of voters didn’t watch the debate

The Iraq War isn’t a real issue anymore. Just like Biden said last night, an 18 year old enrolling in the military wasn’t even alive during 911. Same goes for the Iraq War. People realize it was a mistake and that Obama and Biden ended that mistake when they pulled the troops out. The issue has been fully digested.

Listen, we get that the actual left doesn’t like Biden but at the end of the day he’s going to win and you’re going to vote for him just like you voted for Hillary.

Yeah, he’s a little tiny little racist bully with age issues.

Just because something did or didn’t happen in the past doesn’t mean that it can’t or won’t happen in the future.”


Doesn’t seem possible to look silly if you are wearing a cowboy hat. For example, an orange suit is completely redeemed by a cowboy hat. A clown with a cowboy hat is a clown you will take a little more seriously than one without.

In a couple months I won’t remember this story, but I will remember that 1994 wasn’t that long ago if you were in 1997, even though by today’s standards it seems like ancient history.

How can you be a fan of a guy who is that short and whiny? He’s a really little guy and you can tell that bothers him. He’s upset about his height and probably his looks. So he takes his frustration with what he sees in the mirror out on others just as he did last night. He’s the tiniest little bully alive.

Etiquette is only not important to people who care more about likes and retweets than votes. Biden did a damn good job last night and Castro embarrassed himself. His campaign never started and now it’s over.

Lil Nas X wears one. Check.

He’s living in a gorgeous penthouse in a gorgeous city with no cares about money. He’s literally on top of the world and all he can do is complain. Meanwhile I’m here working the register at Nordstrom Rack every single day without a minute to spare and I eat mac n cheese every single night when I’m not eating ramen,

You mean like be Obama’s Vice President, twice?

My chest is hairier than yours.

No I just think that the millionaires and billionaires could stand to be a little more appreciative of what they have and stop complaining to the rest of us who can’t even get $15 minimum wages.

Yeah I go there all the time. Great scene.

What? I don’t even think sports teams should be allowed to be privately owned, let alone owned by the owners that own them these days. You can take your strawman and recycle it.

Yeah those mugs are corny but Miami isn’t. It has some of the hottest dance clubs on earth.

So it’s ok for sports players to demand total happiness in all areas of their lives while we sit here and suffer?

Cowboy hats are peak masculinity and nobody should be ashamed of wearing one.