Roll With The Changes

So, wait hold on. Do you actually think that the economy will even work if we completely take away the incentive for entrepreneurship and innovation?

It’s no secret that our immigration system is broken, and for years, we have lacked the political will to fix it. We can secure our border and enforce our laws without tossing aside our values, our principles, and our humanity. Putting people in cages and tearing children away from their parents isn’t the answer. We

The goal is to win, right? Or is the goal to vote your conscience and lose? Joe is the only candidate that can win. He’s 2020's version of Hillary except he’s more likable.

Should read:

Not good enough. Those that knew they were engaging in criminal behavior need to go to jail. Hundreds of thousands of people have died. 

How are algorithms able to dismiss comments? I guess the reply is just the identifier for the algorithm. 

March 3rd, 2016. It was one of those bright New England mornings that melts the remaining snow just enough to trick you into thinking it’s warm outside. And while it wasn’t warm out there that day it certainly was here on Kinja.

Well, I think you know what I mean.

Everyone’s excited to vote for the man who takes down Trump. That man is Joe Biden.

What’s interesting is that many centuries ago it could have been said that America was the UK’s little brother. We wanted to be just like them when we grew up and they also taxed us for no reason as brothers often do. However, in 2019 it really does seem that the UK wants to be more like America and that is why they

I live in the suburbs and I wear a cowboy hat. Are you saying I am not a cowboy?

Exactly. That’s what I was saying.

Seth Rich was rich, and he was robbed for it. Unfortunate, but pretty common. There’s no conspiracy here. A+B=C and C= Case Closed.

I think the whole “Berners stayed home” line is a myth. They’re smarter than that.

Yeah I don’t get it either. Biden is basically a more personable and likable and most importantly experienced version of Hillary, who won the popular vote. He’s a strong candidate and they’re intent on tearing him down.

Obama endorsed Biden. You don’t think Obama would endorse his VP? Really?

Hell yeah Randolph!