Roll With The Changes

It’s pretty clear that Splinter is still pissed about Hillary demolishing Bernie in the 2016 primary. They now pretend that any and all non-fringe candidates are Hillary reincarnate and deserve to be jerked around and whacked at every opportunity. Biden did a legit good job last night, objectively.

Serious question: Is Julian Castro working for Trump? Because that shot against Biden’s age landed and while Castro has zero chance of winning the primary Biden is the clear front runner. Not even Trump himself could have landed a blow like that. Castro looked angry and petty and racist, just like Trump.

TLDR version of last night: Biden won and Warren lost.


The most striking thing about this story is that he was driving a 1994 Saturn which seems really old, but in 1997 it was actually pretty new. It would be like driving a 2016 model Saturn today.

There’s nothing wrong with cowboy hats.

I don’t get why some sports players can’t just be happy with the incredible lives they have. This guy gets payed millions of dollars to play a game in one of the best cities on earth. And he’s upset about it. I think this is why more and more people are not watching sports anymore. The players aren’t relatable the way

Folks, this is a Warren campaign staffer that just woke up to the Biden threat.

Biden won

This is a death threat, Representative. Clearly, you shouldn’t own an AR-15—and neither should anyone else.

Biden didn’t need to answer that baiting question. He already has the POC vote locked up because Obama endorsed him.

It’s one thing to burn the flag. The flag doesn’t have a face. It’s another thing to burn a picture of someone. That constitutes a threat and a call to action and is legally indefensible, so I hope some lawyers go after them for this stunt.