Rollo Tomassi

I think the show has been fine, even if they’ve leaned a few too far into “very special episode” territory a few too many times, but ...

Saving Private Joker

I agree with the first three sentences—dude just got put onto a list for an unfunny joke.

The joke wasn’t even that funny. I think the interesting part is his actual conversation with ICE agents.

No, the Electoral College and a significant level of willful ignorance on the part of the US voter is why Donald won in the first place.

- Curtis Mayfly.

That top 20 is fucking depressing. People give grunge a lot of shit (some of it is deserved) but when you see that list, the appeal becomes obvious.

I don’t tend to rank things as an “ultimate,” but goddamn if that isn’t in the top five or six for me. (If you shook me awake at night and asked, “What’s the best scene of all time?” I’d probably say it’s the final scene of Chaplin’s “City Lights.”)

And a brief shout-out to one of the best opening tracks, Elton John’s “Amoreena”.

She’s probably somewhere giving blow-jays.

>Paul Hogan was Linda Koslowski’s murderous, failed abortion for some reason.

You sockdologizing old man-trap!

He just wants the teens to show some respect for L’il Marco.

Who wins the Game of Thrones? The Aristocrats!

*gets* to

A few years ago, I rewatched this film for the first time in about two decades. It gave me a new appreciation for Christopher Reeve, because to me, he’s the only actor who has ever convincingly peformed the “secret identity” trick. His voice tone, body language, posture, movements, and speech rhythm are completely

The irony is that railing about vulgarians in defense of some imagined linguistic propriety is transparently middle-class.  It is the Honda Accord of pretension.

Right, and it’s people trying to be smart totally ignoring how language works. Whatever was the style when someone turned 16 or whatever isn’t the inherently correct form of English.

Me, I think it’s funny that we use “literally” to mean something like in reality, but the term obviously has its root in written-down words. That is, not what really is, but a once-removed expression of what really is. The words are not the reality. Ironic, huh?