roll orange roll

Really? I hate both teams but it's not like OSU lost to a scrub team like Georgia Southern...

Going undefeated in a probation year. Nope, I don't see why that could possibly be a problem.

But it's in the South so he'll be selling used cars anyway.

What are they going to do now, create a realistic full size doll of him and stab it with 47 steak knives?

Yes, at first he was predicted to be a late first round pick, then elevated all the way to top 3. The condition was a low ejection fraction (% of blood pumped out of the left ventricle, should be 55-70 but was 44) which was only due to a viral infection that went away. The Panthers are really, really lucky.

Still makes more sense than a Rovell tweet.

good lord stop with the fucking gifs please

Congrats on making a post titled "Only in Philly" and keeping it SFW.


He gets my Hall Of Fame vote. Every time.

"Just asking for a friend" - Trail Blazers Twitter

Fuck off.

Not to mention all the laughing and giggling during the press conference. It was like they were announcing the mayor of Tallahassee smokes crack or something.

Because we all know Johnny Damon came up through the Red Sox' organization....

Probably because they got in the way of more important matters for Brady.

Somebody please overlap the audio Ken Harrelson shouting no. That would be perfect.

At least they weren't tackling.

he obviously needs a good O-line to do well like he did at Bama and in Cleveland when he wasn't injured. The O-line better be the first thing the Colts try to improve in the offseason anyways. But until then, let's continue to overreact, just like we did after the trade happened!