Your comment is either genius or dumbest shit I ever heard. Anyways you get star from me.
Your comment is either genius or dumbest shit I ever heard. Anyways you get star from me.
Will the real Rizzo please stand up!
This goal sucks.
Yes, a nude supermodel volleyball team would be much more interesting in San Diego...
Besides Derek Wolfe, who is already suspended 4 games for “nothing”, no i don’t.
Agreed...I did mention $500 dollars not skittles, however, and please don’t tell me you don’t care about $500 and you never had FF Team, otherwise why are you in this forum? Jezebel is next door.
ShowMeYourTd’s robbed me $500 in FF two years ago. Don’t tell me that’s you.
No, I’m not. Are you saying that because there is no Jets player on that list? Sheldon Richardson? Yeah he is an idiot.
No one can’t think of a reasonable explanation for the way Goddell and Vincent come up with consequences.
He would’ve been better off if he stayed incognito.
I have never seen anyone smash and then crawl through a car windshield and exit via the car door. Just a thought, but maybe it would be less destructive to society if pot was legal and easier to get than fake bullshit this guy was on.
Agreed...but no one cares. Trump wins by paying the others to fight each other, it’ll be like Bum Fights in suits.
Why this would not have been acceptable in any venue is beyond me.
In “Masters” Voice?