Rollo Tomassi

"How am I supposed to make knee-jerk reaction comments with all this 'reading comprehension' stuff?"
-T̶h̶e̶ ̶A̶V̶ ̶C̶l̶u̶b̶ Breitbart News

Shit, it only just now occurred to me that the White Walker they bring back could be a member of their own party. They could certainly wring some pathos out of that.

I was talking about if Sessions was out.

Angry about a year-old comment that references a 75 year-old event?

The great thing about that is that at this point Trump would have a hell of a time getting a replacement confirmed. He might even have to settle for someone reasonable.

Hopefully, we've learned our lesson after this. Trump's election may have been a good thing in that our experiment with authoritarianism was with a non-ideological, incompetent moron.

What makes people do that, anyway? Left, right or unclassifiable, the craziest, most incoherent political posts all share RANDOM CAPITALIZATION. What is it about totally insane people that they feel the need to do that?

It's really bizarre. I've never seen one iota of evidence that he gives the slightest shit about anyone but himself and, to a much lesser extent, his immediate family.

I actually think they largely are. There's a lot in the alt-right who genuinely are trying to create a working class movement, but they only want to help the white working class.

Can we just skip the "hearings" part?

"Plus, the Democrats supported slavery. So that means that the party that consistently gets 90% of the black vote today is the anti-black party."

Well, they hate ethnocentrism if it's centered on the wrong ethnic group. And fascism they just don't really know the definition of.

Speak for yourself. I've never sucked Steve Bannon's cock.

But how enforceable are they?

I would have called the Ivanka Trump sex book "More Kushner for the Pushner," but that's just me.

Who killed the Kennedys? After all it was Cruz's dad.

It's almost as ridiculous as Sons of Anarchy.

Dylan Thomas, because they aren't going to go gently into that good night?

I'm trying to come up with lyrics for a Trump version of Sympathy for the Devil. So far I've got "Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and no taste."

First they came for the Juggalos and I did not speak out, because I wasn't entirely sure if Juggalos were a good thing or not…