Rollo Tomassi

I have a very similar problem, except that due to glitches I never even got to see what my password is in the first place. (Why they don’t let you choose your own password is a total mystery.) I think I might send an email to tech support to try and figure this out. I can’t handle only being able to be on here on my

So here’s my problem. Yesterday when I merged my Disqus account to a Kinja account, it kept giving me problems. I was stuck in a loop where it never went to the final screen. I chose to do it as a burner account, and when it finally did work, I never actually got the screen that tells you your burner key, which means

Yeah, that was it. I found all that info poking around the site. This will probably be OK, it just might take some time to get used to.

Too bad for him there are no ratlines to help him escape to Peronist Argentina anymore.

I imagine this is what it must have been like for displaced persons after World War II, returning to their villages to see who made it.

Me either. Of course, I’ve only had the account for forty minutes.

I was able to keep my “display name” but had to change my “user name” or whatever it was called, and I don’t really understand why there are two when both are pseudonymous. Also, I’m not 100% sure I remember the other name, and I’m afraid that might be a problem if I need to sign back in.

The Salt N’ Pepa song?

Just making sure this is working. Had a lot of trouble for a while.


I have an old AV Club account that I abandoned when I created my Disqus account, which I only did because I wanted to comment on The Dissolve. If I could only add up all the likes of both accounts I'd be a rich man. In likes.

Not really. It's just a thing I occasionally think about, in the same way I think about other potential major life changes.

If my gf and I ever break up, it's going to be pretty hard for her. Rents are outrageous in this area, and I don't think she'd be able to live on her own. I don't think there's much chance of it ending any time soon, but when I think about it as being a future possibility, I just don't know how she'd get by, and I'm

Some people won't be commenting on Savage Love anymore? This won't end well.

Won't they still be on our Disqus profiles?

It's not exactly a village.

Yeah, but I don't want to do anything that might dull my contempt for humanity.

If you're going by politics, I've heard that Colorado Springs is the most conservative large city, or largest conservative city, or something like that.

Much as I think you kinda suck, your word choice in this comment is pretty fucking clever.

Much as I think you kinda suck, your word choice in this comment is pretty fucking clever.