Rollo Tomassi

That trick never works.

"Elroy, if you want to take a girl to the space-hop, you'll need to do something to really impress her. That's evolutionary psychology. Now stop being a cuck and figure out how to be the alpha male she's looking for."

What goes well with something that's got more spice than the frugal gourmet?

How did it take so long for someone to say this?

Because they're aware of Poe's *second* law. Don't follow anyone on the internet into the catacombs to get a cask of amontillado.

Yeah, I suppose he'll take any chance to build a tacky building that aggrandizes him.

How could they get someone approved without 51 votes? I don't see how that's their fault.

Trump wouldn't recognize any of those people.

How about we remove the dudes and leave the horses? A statue of a riderless horse in the town square isn't offensive to anyone. I think it would be kind of fun and quirky.

I believe he specifically said that he did what he did because the war wouldn't end until the south was completely broken. They sooner that happened, the more lives would be spared, especially southern lives. Anyway, he might have been tearing up railroads and burning cotton storehouses, but he never made it a policy

That monument is awesome. Someone literally thought, "This guy was a piece of shit, but he did something so rad, we can't not mention it." It functions as both a memorial and a dis. Brilliant.

He's been pressing his luck, and ours, for months now.

Yeah, you do that with something that's there every day, all the time. Just like the victims of racism manage to not think about it on good days.

I suppose I'd agree with that, but black power in America is purely a theoretical concept.

They can include a little speaker that says "Sic semper tyrannus!"

I assume that golden age Hollywood's sympathy with the south is because of one, the normal human desire to root for the underdog and two, the fact that pro-Union movies simply would not be successful in a huge swathe of the country, whereas pro-Confederate ones would be considered inoffensive to most (white) people

Aside from his generally instability, the judges are the thing that bothers me most about all this. Thanks to obstructionist senate Republicans, we get another generation of insane right-wing jurisprudence. That's just awful.

He may just be uninterested in establishing one. There's no law or rule that says every president has to have a library. Pretty sure it only started with Eisenhower or Truman or someone around there.

Oh, people who don't 100% support Israel are often accused of anti-semitism, and that's definitely not OK, either. But someone saying they hate all Jews or blaming the state of the world on an international Jewish conspiracy is inexcusable, and my friend trying to make that go away with a semantic argument is just