Rollo Tomassi

I have a friend who is extremely pro-Palestinian, which is fine and understandable, but sometimes he'll defend some actions and attitudes that go a little too far, and if I refer to something a Palestinian or other Arab has said or done as anti-Semitic, he'll say, "They can't be anti-Semitic, they're Semites

Of course not. Thugs are, y'know, urban.

Daniel Radcliffe was in a movie where he plays an FBI agent who infiltrates white supremacists. I referred to him as Harry Potter. Sorry for the confusion.

I actually assumed that because of the name.

Some things that are labeled fake are actually real. "Fake news" for example.

The worst thing about the reaction to that speech was that she was literally saying that only SOME Trump supporters were awful, and it was important to figure out what motivated the rest of them, but what they heard was, "You are all terrible people."

And somehow she has no idea that he's a racist, or even especially politically active. They don't really talk politics, you see.

When you fetishize weapons you can never have too many of them.

You can tell it's fake because Wookiee is spelled wrong.

I really hate the word "Antifa." It doesn't flow right, it makes it sound like being opposed to fascism just means you're a member of a different radical political group, and it abbreviates in a way that English rarely does. Russian and German have a tendency to abbreviate long phrases by using the first few letters

While I'm sure that anarchist and communist groups were among the counter protesters, I don't think the theme of the event was "Bring anarchy/communism to America." It was actually, "Resist racism and authoritarianism," which is a sentiment I can get behind regardless of who is espousing it.

It's extremely important that he express his feelings about a genre of music that has been essentially dead for nearly forty years. And do it in a way that also denigrates a minority.

If I remember correctly, David Duke was responsible for allowing Catholics in the Klan some time in the 70's or 80's. Of course, there are so many independent groups using variations on the name, I assume that some Klan groups still won't have anything to do with those sinister Papists.

I'm wondering how many members of his staff can be shamed into resigning and issuing statements along the lines of "I absolutely refuse to work for this hateful, unstable egomaniac any longer." He's already having a hell of a time finding anyone who will work for him. It can't possibly get any easier once the few

It should be pretty easy to define, since the group named themselves that. Fuck, why not turn around and ask Steve Bannon? He popularized the phrase, didn't he?

Both sides? You mean violent Nazis on the one hand and peaceful protesters on the other? Because with a few very rare exceptions that's what we're seeing.

What makes you think they'll do it in their own neighborhoods? They have the means and the motivation to go elsewhere and attack others. Minorities pretty much don't have an opportunity to express their rage anywhere but where they live.

Which supposedly hurt the Klan tremendously by exposing all their ridiculous rituals and code words. They became something of a laughingstock.

Not me. My grandfathers fought to prevent North Korea from ever threatening the world again. Mission accomplished.

Only tangentially related, but my favorite story of LaGuardia having to provide police protection for anyone is when there were protests outside the German consulate on a regular basis (before the war, obviously) and the diplomats were demanding that the city do something about it. So LaGuardia assigned some officers