Rollo Tomassi

I'm not a knee-jerk anti-capitalist like a lot of other people on the left, and I actually largely agree with what you're saying, but it's important to remember that, without some pretty strong government regulation, capitalism can be incredibly harmful to all but those at the top. I believe that capitalism is the

I wouldn't say "America has a strong undercurrent of fascism" as much as "People everywhere are prone to fascism." Historically, some fascist/authoritarian movements and ideas have had some success here, but a lot less than plenty of other places. I don't think this is because there's anything about the American

I agree. I drink a ton of soda myself, and I wouldn't be thrilled if the price went up, but at least if it was going up because we weren't subsidizing corn anymore I wouldn't feel like I've been specifically targeted for one of the few vices I allow myself.

Lots of taxes that are supposed to have a positive social benefit end up hitting the poor harder than the rich. Haven't you noticed that in states where there's a beverage container deposit, you always pay it for beer, but never for wine?

Depends on the dong, really.

Someone needs to tell the racists that.

Well maybe the Republicans should stop tolerating racists in their party.

Well, he/she knows that sentences need capitals at the beginning and periods at the end.

Well that would be the only way to do it. But yes, I realize that's not going to happen, and that even if constitutional amendments were remotely possible, there are some much more important things to be addressed than abuse of the presidential pardon.

Because the anecdote was somewhat relevant to the conversation at hand?

Lets hope she doesn't end up in a project that Mars her career prospects. Look, the wrong script could be a Big Hunk of trouble.

Took me a minute to get that…

Are you kidding? That's half the reason I made the post.

I've never really understood that particular segment of the restaurant industry. Basically you can get the same quality food for a little bit less at a lot of places, or spend a few bucks more and get much better, much fancier food.

"They don't sell either apples or bees. Who are the ad wizards who thought this one up?"

It was pretty weird when I checked my bank balance in Vietnam and saw that I had something like 26 million Dong.

I figured he'd try and shove it down her panties or something.

"It's staggering how far people will go to justify their ignorance."

I can't answer any of our other questions (Like, "Is this a joke?") but I assume the bear was born on Flag Day because Donald Trump was born on Flag Day.

Schutztaffel disability?