Rollo Tomassi

Fine, "anonymous hook-up."

"I thought someone was having a real big luau!"

Again, whenever I see BLM, I think "Bureau of Land Management," and I'm like, "Aren't some of them already armed?"

I'm just getting started!


"I'm gonna be my nephew's barristah!"

Ever since Blackadder II.

This is going to sound really weird and unbelievable, but reading your comment just made me remember that I had a dream with Judy Davis in it this morning. No joke. She didn't look like Judy Davis, in fact she looked like a female Wallace Shawn, and she was playing what would usually be the Wallace Shawn part in a new

McCartney Syndrome, that's called.

Because the dog is actually Steve Bannon?

Very much depends on which part of Brooklyn.

I don't think that's called for, but maybe there could be some sort of board that could overrule presidential pardons. It would have to be non-partisan, of course. Maybe a randomly selected panel of federal judges could review all pardons and rescind them by a two-thirds vote or something.

They wore a symbol that looked like bolts of lightning!

But when will he get around to playing the greatest portrait painter of Elizabethan England: Leonardo Acropolis?

German hardcore pornography is looking at the ark of the covenant?

I don't know about that. I think a lot of the Bernie or busters would have refused to vote for a ticket where he wasn't on top. I don't think they would have done any worse, really, but I just feel that it's time for the Baby Boomers to release their death-grip on the Democratic Party. Everytime someone suggests

But would it have been wise to run a ticket with a combined age of 144?

Yeah, I like Pixar, but there's no way I'm going to subscribe to a streaming service just for that. People with kids will, though, and they'll pay top dollar if they have to.

I've said this before, but I think that it would be a good thing for each studio to have its own streaming service, but that service has to have literally everything that studio owns available on it. The Disney service would have every Disney, Marvel, Touchstone, Lucas, A&E, ABC and ESPN property. The Viacom would

Maybe, maybe not.