Rollo Tomassi

He thought he could save his job by Braun-nosing, but nobody was Goering to allow that to happen. He even bought Dönitz for the whole office every morning, but Frank-ly, nobody cared.

"And why is there a 'u' in Glamour?"

I'm just glad we liberals get to have at least one patriotic symbol. The conservatives have owned the flag for a long time now, unfortunately. I guess since the statue is both pro-immigrant and in godless New York city they don't want it anymore.

It rains like crazy in the winter, especially this last winter, but not in August.

Oh, I wasn't disagreeing. I just think it's interesting how these things can evolve. And I do think term limits are a big part of that.

But when Willie Brown was Assembly Speaker he was without a doubt the most powerful politician in the state, with the possible exception of the governor. Now I have no idea who the Speaker even is. I think that's because of term limits.

Re: how deeply prejudice is ingrained:

A lot of Southern states have weak executives. It's built into the system, presumably largely because of the region's tendency towards minimal government. Some have both a weak governor and a legislature that only meets for a few days every two years. How the fuck this works out, I have no idea.

Uh, not always. Ducks can get pretty rapey.

Rains on them? It doesn't rain in California in August. That's why I live here.

I feel bad for liking this joke so much.

So you're saying that the three worst Texas politicians of the last few years are Abbot, Cruz and you forgot the third one? Oops.

I don't think the problem is that there aren't enough high profile Democrats in Texas; it's that the high profile Democrats in Texas don't want to risk their political careers with an almost certain loss.

One thing people don't know about the Texas governorship is that it's actually an incredibly weak office. They have one of the least powerful governors in the nation. Not to imply that Bush or Perry are qualified to handle even that level of responsibility, of course.

Or in this case, a fruit full of some nut's seed.

I actually read "fucking" as an intensifier instead of a verb and couldn't figure out why people on reddit were so excited about coconuts.

Hey, I'm just glad to see that Ken Norton is still doing something after his big bout with Muhammad Ali all those years ago.


I was 21, and I remember even at the time being irritated that, while in many ways, it was the best time of my life, there was almost no new music I enjoyed. So I mostly listened to way too much ska.