Rollo Tomassi

They were my first concert, way back in 1993. It was a blast.

I loooooved Primus in high school, and they'll always have a place in my heart, but I completely lost interest after Pork Soda. Maybe some of their stuff since then is pretty good, but I just don't know if I could care.

I know a guy whose dick move to play on his friends at a party was to wait until one of them was talking to a girl and then walk up and ask him what THAC0 stands for. For some reason, they didn't just say, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

A cricket bat should work almost as well.

Ever since she got that shipment of gold, all Cersei can say is, "Smore money smore problems."

Since I didn't recognize Sheeran or his voice I wasn't drawn out of the scene at all. Because I pretty much don't know who the fuck Ed Sheeran is. I've heard the name, but that's about it.

"Nice Buttonhole."

Is Littlefinger still getting his profits from the brothels of King's Landing? Or is it being held in trust for him by someone else? Or did he just abandon them and now they're worker-owned collectives, along with many of the businesses that were previously owned by the many wealthy people who died in or near the

I assume it would be all liquid like bird shit, so maybe it wouldn't do that much harm. They'd just occasionally repaint someone's house against their will.

He knows how to layout a room for maximum energy flow. You know, the Rules of Attraction and whatnot.

Probably doesn't help that he's doing the renovations using equipment that's 30 years old.

I fear my girlfriend's 17 year old son is becoming one of those guys. I overheard him boysplaining the movie to his girlfriend the other day. He also has a nasty tendency to give her little pop quizzes about movies and music he enjoys.

Presumably the name of his partner.

How funny are we talking here?

I actually thought you were joking, but other people reacted like you weren't so I wanted to be clear that I was agreeing with you and not calling you an idiot.

"Flee before me puny mortals! The Trump shall destroy your insignificant world! Big time."

Well that's why it's called Kinja. If they were Japanese it's be either just plain "Ninja" or possibly, "Jinja."

I'm getting really tired of people in my Facebook feed who think that pot is the magical cure-all for everything. (Not to imply that you are. I'm not even sure if you're being serious or not.)

For me it is. Oddly, the people I've had it with are less happy with it.

Fucking moocher!