Rollo Tomassi

Korean ninjas?

"They're downloading how many episodes illegally? To hell with it, let's pack it in."

What a weird turn of phrase. It's pretty close to saying that he's going to strike North Korea with great vengeance and furious anger.

And not in the good way.

400,000 a year. Cheap!

Me neither!

"Frankly, all we have to fear is fear itself."
"Seriously folks, ask not what your country can do for you, OK? Ask what you can do for your country, the greatest country on Earth, as we all know."
"I have a dream. A terrific dream of a world where my children, who are really something, will be judged not by the color

Well, I hope the fire and fury can at least wait until Game of Thrones is over. And Westworld. Also, I still need to finish watching Atlanta. Come to think of it, there's a lot of pop culture I'd like to see before the world ends, so hopefully this doesn't come to anything.

Be honest. You're boner is always pretty weird.

I've been with a girl who waxed her rug, but never one who frosted it.

Exactly. The premise of the sketches wasn't that Pat was trans, but that nobody could tell what gender he/she was. But the character was clearly one or the other.

Yeah, I don't think the Pat sketches were even about someone who's trans or non-binary. In one sketch Pat even say's that (s)he's only attracted to people of the opposite sex, which implies that the character is one or the other, but nobody can figure out which. I certainly can see how much it must suck to be called

"Semi-charmed Life."

They were a lot snazzier than the typical Trump supporter uniform of camouflage pants and a "These colors don't run" t-shirt.

Same here. My dad and I had a bit of a leg up learning Spanish because my grandma speaks it, but neither of us is anywhere near fluent. Hell, even she doesn't speak Spanish nearly as well as English, and she grew up in a predominantly Mexican community in East LA.

Also someone with a tan said something nice to him once, so that was probably the president of Mexico.

Wouldn't imagining them be worse? I'd rather be led by someone who is dishonest than someone who's delusional.

Who, Schwarzenegger?

He's got kind of an Ernst Röhm look to him. And his most fervent supporters are basically the SA without the snazzy uniforms.

It's a strange statement. I think that coming to Hollywood and reinventing yourself certainly fits a certain Jewish stereotype.