Rollo Tomassi

Considering how many texts I send are some variation on how awful Trump is, I suppose this could work.

That was kind of a long text.

"There's a van out front that has a Roy Lichtenstein painted on the side. I honestly don't know who could sue the tour company for copyright infringement, the Lichtenstein estate or DC Comics."

Except for Hebrew, Aramaic, Amharic, Somali, and y'know, all the other Semitic languages.

I've been told that, but exclusively by people you wouldn't expect to be well-hung.

"…a fine recantour, quick witted and it all comes attached to a ten inch dick."
-The AV Club.

I'd say Batman was best from about 1984-1989. In other words, when I was eight until I was 13.

I thought it was a little later than that.

Angle-Man and Egg Fu?

Like I said, cool, atmospheric, visuals.

I agree that it's important for minorities to be represented in good villain roles, provided they're not stereotypical ones. A black criminal mastermind is OK, a flamboyant black pimp might not be.

Nobody Wanted that.

Man, Canada's class divide used to be way worse.

The AV Club

I agree with that. I can't remember who wrote it or anything, but I remember reading an essay that argued that with Superman, since he's so incredibly powerful and can't really be killed or hurt, the question is "Will the villain humiliate/outsmart him?" Which is why I'd rather see him go up against someone like the

I love the fact that Metropolis was originally based more or less on a combination of Cleveland and Toronto. I kind of want to do a more realistic Elseworlds type thing where there are no fake cities and Superman is Canadian.

I actually think the guy you're talking about turned out to be a white guy in disguise. Other than that, I can't think of any racial stereotype Batman villains. In the early days, comics would definitely have lots of evil Fu Manchu types, and of course you got terrible Japanese caricatures during the war, but I've

I really hate it when they have the Riddler as a psychopathic killer. The Penguin, too. Those two should be mostly harmless. Criminal masterminds, sure, but not stone cold killers.

Isn't Past-Pot Pete more of a Human Torch villain?

"Come to think of it, why do we sleep in the same bed?"