Rollo Tomassi

Yeah, even in the Superman comics of the fifties and sixties the bad guy was always either Luthor, some alien you were never gonna see again, or some anonymous gangsters. Batman fought a lot of anonymous gangsters at the time, but there'd still be the occasional appearance of the Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman or

I seriously can't tell if you're joking or not.

Hey, Flash's Rogues Gallery is pretty cool. Except for the Rainbow Raider, obviously.

I think I'm using a much less strict definition for "iconic." How about I just say "reasonably cool villains" instead? In which case, Superman still pretty much only has Luthor, Zod and maybe Brainiac, the Parasite and Metallo. Batman has dozens.

It's amazing to me how, in eighty years Superman has had maybe ten really iconic villains. Mostly it's stuff like The Master Jailer or the Superman Revenge Squad.

That story is all awesome atmosphere and primitive, choppy storytelling.

Probably because of the whole "not actually a Batman, or even a DC villain" thing.

Uh, speaking of nerds, I'd just like to point out that Mirror Master and Rainbow Raider are primarily Flash villains.

Every day of the year!

I don't zinc that's very fair.

It seems a lot more noble when you're the one trying to get people to change their vote to "not guilty." Not to imply you were wrong or anything. It just makes a better story when you save an innocent person from jail.

Not to mention, the juror doing original research is definitely grounds for a mistrial.

"He's dead? How come nobody told me he's dead? Doesn't anybody research this stuff? I can't be expected to know this; I'm president. I have a lot of responsibilities! There are going to be some big trucks on the White House lawn later today and I need to get ready for them."

"I'm proud announce my nomination of James Woods as head of the Drug Enforcement Agency. Also, I've chosen David "Avocado" Wolfe as Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Jeffrey Dahmer as Secretary of Definitely Not Killing and Eating People."

Both, actually. Bannon pours Scotch on his Wheaties.

If you do, make sure to record everything.

And that first one will definitely be open pretty soon.

You mean it's the Democratic Pussy Republic of Korea? I wish I'd known that before there was a travel ban put in place.

What I don't understand is why he admitted it. If he'd just said the quote was a fabrication, and stuck with it, even if the reporter produces a recording, something like 70% of Republicans would believe him.

Let's hope nobody else has either.