Rollo Tomassi

Yeah, but if you add up the people who oppose legal weed with the people who support it, but don't care much as long as white people aren't getting arrested for it, you have a majority.

That's why you shower first.

Hmmm. He was number two in the popular vote.

With the turnaround time on these things, I'm expecting "The Zune Movie" to come out pretty soon.

It's all just eggplants and peaches.

Not sure. I can't find him now, and I don't remember what the description actually said, but I'm pretty sure it specifically pointed him out. I think this is the painting, though.

Due to crazy flights and not enough sleep for a couple of days, I woke up at about six AM on my first full day in Paris. I went to the Louvre, and ended up being one of the first twenty or people or so through the door. I made a beeline for the Mona Lisa because I knew that was the only way I'd get to see it without a

I remember a painting at the Rijksmuseum of pretty much a whole town ice skating. The description says something like, "In the right-hand corner, one gentleman enjoys a piss." I was glad they pointed that out, because otherwise I never would have noticed it.

Acronyms, how do they work?

Remembers it? You wouldn't happen to be be Olivia de Havilland by any chance?

I don't think the political articles are taking up any space that would be going to something else. There'd just be fewer articles without them. Clearly, they're not finding the sort of in-depth analysis of books and movies and whatnot to be as profitable as it once was. Trump articles aren't what's depriving us of

You mean when they refused to do congressional redistricting because it would have resulted in more urban than rural seats? That's right, conservatives have been pulling these shenanigans for a pretty long time.

Or something they get when they're younger, but keep in their hope chest until they get married.

But my point is that they shouldn't be doing that. Bitching about "identity politics" or ignoring BLM isn't going to help them with white working class voters, at least not in a significant way, so I don't know why anyone thinks that's the way to reach anyone. You can empathize with and propose policies that benefit

"You know, you'd be a lot prettier if you'd just win more. I bet you used to win all the time, but now it seems like all the other girls are doing great and you're not. They're all laughing at you behind your back."

Ah. The phrasing made me think it referred to some specific incident or allegation.

A lot of them are OK with government welfare programs. They just hate "liberal elites." It 's fucked up and borderline pathological, but I don't see any reason to completely abandon them yet.

I'm sorry so many people in your area are voting for awfulness, but I do think it's important to remember that even in places that are supposedly monolithically Republican, something like one in three people are voting for Democrats. It shouldn't be too hard to peel off a few more, or to get more nonvoters in those

There's no reason that appealing to the white working class should mean ignoring people of color. The idea that you can only get one or the other is a false dichotomy. The Democrats can't win without at least some of both. (The Republicans can, unfortunately, win without any POC, due to how our system is set up and

I actually know very little about the Boy Scouts. I was never even remotely interested in joining. I've never been fond of uniforms. Or structured activities. Or other kids.